Frequency Table in r

can the frequency of each variable(event) be increase in a frequency table ?
for example:
v:[0,1) [1,6) [6,15) [15,18) [18,21) [21,25) [25,40) [40,60) [60,65) [65,113]
f: 1 5 9 3 3 4 15 20 5 49

can I then modified this frequency table such that
v:[0,1) [1,6) [6,15) [15,18) [18,21) [21,25) [25,40) [40,60) [60,65) [65,113]
f: 400 59 234 873 903 5664 815 720 65 749

v represent variable which are age intervals
f frequency

I don't understand the question, could you provide a reproducible example?

For example, if you have a vector x, you can get such a frequency table with cut() (to assign each observation to an interval), and table() (to count the number of observations in each interval:

# generate fake data
x <- round(113*runif(100))

# Cut into intervals and generate frequency table
table(cut(x, breaks = c(1,6,15,18,21,25,40,60,65,113)))
#>    (1,6]   (6,15]  (15,18]  (18,21]  (21,25]  (25,40]  (40,60]  (60,65] 
#>        2        8        1        2        4       14       23        2 
#> (65,113] 
#>       44

Created on 2022-05-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

In your data, I'm not sure if you started from such a vector x, how the breakpoints were chosen, and how the "modified" frequency table was obtained from the first one.

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