frequency table for banner list

I am trying to create a function to generate frequency table (to show count , valid percentage , percentage) for list of banner.

I want to export tables in xlsx files.
like for variable "gear" , i want to calculate the table for banner below ()

df <- mtcars

df$all<- 1
df$large<-ifelse(df$am ==1,1,NA)


banner <- list(dat$all,dat$small,dat$large)

data <- df
var <- "gear"
var1 <- rlang::parse_expr(var)
#tab1 <- expss::fre(data[[var1]])
table1 <- expss::fre(data[[var1]],
                   stat_lab = getOption("expss.fre_stat_lab", c("Count N", "Valid percent", "Percent",
                                                                "Responses, %", "Cumulative responses, %")))

the output table should be like below

This can be done using the {htmlTable} package.

but i want to export this table into xlsx file , html will create tables in html right ....??

This snippet mainly works, tho it has many errors. I can't recommend this workflow, however.

.simpleCap <- function(x) {
  s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
  paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
        sep = "", collapse = " ")

run_tabs <- function(x,y) {
  var1 = rlang::parse_expr(y)
  table1 = expss::fre(x[[y]],
  stat_lab = getOption("expss.fre_stat_lab",
                       c("Count N", "Valid percent", "Percent",                                           "Responses, %", "Cumulative responses, %")))

al <- mtcars
sm <- mtcars[which(mtcars$vs == 1),]
lg <- mtcars[which(mtcars$am == 1),]

pt1 <- run_tabs(al,"gear")
pt2 <- run_tabs(sm,"gear")
pt3 <- run_tabs(lg,"gear")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'vs' not found

# check number of rows
pts <- list(pt1,pt2,pt3)
for(i in pts) print(nrow(i))
#> [1] 5
#> [1] 5
#> [1] 4

# fix missing entry for 3-gear case in pt3 
which(al$vs == 1 & al$am == 1 & al$gear == 3)
#> integer(0)

padding <- c(3,rep(NA,5))
tmp <-
tmp <- rbind(tmp,padding)
tmp <- tmp[c(5,1:4),]
pt3 <- tmp

# rename first column
colnames(pt3)[1] <- "Gears"
# extract common first column
col_one <- pt3[,1]

# convert others to data.frame
pt1 <-
colnames(pt1)[1] <- "Gears"
pt2 <-
colnames(pt2)[1] <- "Gears"
# collect column names for false header
false_head <- rep(colnames(pt1)[2:6],3)

# create spanning column
spanner <- c("Gears","","Total","","","Small","","","Large","")

# create receiver table
table_body <- cbind(pt1[2:6],pt2[2:6],pt3[2:6])
table_body <- round(table_body,2)
table_body <- cbind(col_one,table_body)
colnames(table_body) <- spanner
# insert false header
finished <- rbind(false_head,table_body)
# remove spurious row numbers
rownames(finished) <- NULL

Gears Total
Count N Valid percent Percent Responses, % Cumulative responses, %
3 15 46.88 46.88 46.88
4 12 37.5 37.5 37.5
5 5 15.62 15.62 15.62
#Total 32 100 100 100
0 NA 0 NA

Table continues below

Small Large
Count N Valid percent Percent Responses, % Cumulative responses, %
46.88 3 21.43 21.43 21.43
84.38 10 71.43 71.43 71.43
100 1 7.14 7.14 7.14
NA 14 100 100 100
NA 0 NA 0 NA

Table continues below

Count N Valid percent Percent Responses, % Cumulative responses, %
21.43 NA NA NA NA
92.86 8 61.54 61.54 61.54
100 5 38.46 38.46 38.46
NA 13 100 100 100
NA 0 NA 0 NA

Table continues below

Count N
# xlsx::write.xlsx(finished,"finished.xlsx")

i have some questions
.simpleCap this is not required right ...??
because i cant see its used anywhere i also have a function like this

df_cut<- function(dataset, lst) {
if (length(lst) == 1) {return(dataset)
}else {
lapply(lst, function(x, dataset) {
dataset[!, ]},dataset)

can we create a over all function for this final table ...???

Right, .simpleCap isn’t needed unless the parameter now used by var needs to be varied.

Yes, most anything that works properly in a script can be turned into a function.

Out of curiosity, what is the motivation for sending a highly formatted table to the spreadsheet?

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