Forum Notice - Emails were down for 5-6 days

Recent Pause in Emails

A heads up to all. Due to a minor update last Wednesday, emails were disabled on

Any process that required email confirmation (eg activating new users, changing passwords and emails) was prevented by this.

Should anyone have any issues like this, please retry now. If the issue persists, please contact me (@economicurtis) or email

I just manually activated all new users.

A Recent Increase in Emails

The forum site is slowly catching up with all the emails it didn't send over the last week. Expect those emails to come in now. Sorry if this is a lot.

Email Notification Settings

Also a heads up, you may have noticed fewer emails from over the last week.

If you liked that, know that you are able to control your notifications at{YourUserName}/preferences/notifications, and note the settings for Categories, Users, and Tags.

Also note that if you engage with a specific topic-thread, this usually ups the notification level on that thread. You can control that, (and, for example, mute a discussion), on the side of the thread.

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