Formatting for a reference list: indent all but one of the lines

Hi! I am currently writing my thesis in Rmarkdown (with xelatex), and i would like to change the formatting for my reference list so that the first line of each reference is the only line that is not indented. Like this:

How it is formatted now:

Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. (Year of Publication). Title. Diss. University. Place of publication: Publisher. Constant link.

This is roughly how i want it formatted:

Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. 
        Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname.
        (Year of Publication). Title. Diss. University. 
        Place of publication: Publisher. Constant link.

Is there a way to achieve this? Preferably without Bibtex, or any other referencing software.

It seems like you are asking how to indent text in rmarkdown, in which case:
5.2 Indent text | R Markdown Cookbook (

can be done with

title: Example of using $LaTeX$ for citation
    keep_tex: yes
    latex_engine: xelatex
  - \usepackage{fontspec}
  - \setmainfont{IBM Plex Sans}

Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. Surname, Firstname. (Year of Publication). Title. Diss. University. Place of publication: Publisher. Constant link.

Anything you can imagine by way of text, footnotes, tables, equations or figures can be done by inserting this kind of markup. But be careful it doesn't come to consume all the time you have to give.

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