Forest plot for Multistate Cox proportional hazards model.

I would like to create a forest plot for a multistate cox model but I found several errors. This is the code:

data3$Age <- factor(data3$Age, levels = c("2", "3","4","5","6","7","1","8"), labels = c("0-19", "20-29","30-39","40-49","50-59","60-69","70-79","over 80"))

data3$Age = relevel(data3$Age, ref = "70-79")

cfit5 <- coxph(Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ Age, data=data3, id=ID_PER)

ggforest(cfit5, data = data3, main='Hazard ratios')

The print(cfit5) returns:

coxph(formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ Age, data = data3, 
    id = ID_PER)

1:2               coef exp(coef)  se(coef) robust se       z        p
  Age0-19    -4.837530  0.007927  0.451604  0.451514 -10.714  < 2e-16
  Age20-29   -3.275286  0.037806  0.250534  0.250780 -13.060  < 2e-16
  Age30-39   -2.555934  0.077620  0.161761  0.161791 -15.798  < 2e-16
  Age40-49   -1.659342  0.190264  0.107592  0.107605 -15.421  < 2e-16
  Age50-59   -1.259441  0.283813  0.095800  0.095584 -13.176  < 2e-16
  Age60-69   -0.447559  0.639186  0.090040  0.089715  -4.989 6.08e-07
  Ageover 80  0.113969  1.120717  0.079134  0.079331   1.437    0.151

1:3              coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z        p
  Age0-19    -4.04378   0.01753  1.02154   1.02226 -3.956 7.63e-05
  Age20-29   -3.70267   0.02466  1.02154   1.02129 -3.625 0.000288
  Age30-39   -2.16580   0.11466  0.45848   0.45777 -4.731 2.23e-06
  Age40-49   -1.93219   0.14483  0.39324   0.39234 -4.925 8.44e-07
  Age50-59   -1.33445   0.26330  0.32560   0.32678 -4.084 4.43e-05
  Age60-69   -0.23070   0.79398  0.28377   0.28356 -0.814 0.415890
  Ageover 80 -0.83425   0.43420  0.33189   0.33192 -2.513 0.011957

2:3                coef  exp(coef)   se(coef)  robust se       z        p
  Age0-19     1.074e+00  2.928e+00  1.017e+00  1.084e+00   0.991 0.321624
  Age20-29   -1.253e+01  3.610e-06  3.597e+02  3.256e-01 -38.486  < 2e-16
  Age30-39   -3.211e-02  9.684e-01  4.831e-01  4.980e-01  -0.064 0.948584
  Age40-49   -9.726e-01  3.781e-01  4.473e-01  4.510e-01  -2.157 0.031028
  Age50-59   -1.839e-01  8.320e-01  2.983e-01  3.006e-01  -0.612 0.540722
  Age60-69    2.390e-01  1.270e+00  2.507e-01  2.538e-01   0.942 0.346310
  Ageover 80 -1.149e+00  3.170e-01  3.036e-01  3.054e-01  -3.761 0.000169

 States:  1= (s0), 2= altro ricovero, 3= intensiva 

Likelihood ratio test=1658  on 21 df, p=< 2.2e-16
n= 18823, number of events= 1524 

The result of the model is good but then when I try to create the forest plot I obtain:

Errore in axisTicks(rangeb/2, log = TRUE, nint = 7) : 
  log - axis(), 'at' creation, _LARGE_ range: invalid {xy}axp or par; nint=7
	 axp[0:1]=(1e-307,1e+308), usr[0:1]=(0,inf); i=615, ni=87
In aggiunta: Messaggi di avvertimento:
1: In min(x) : nessun argomento non-mancante al minimo; si restituisce Inf
2: In max(x) :
  nessun argomento non-mancante al massimo; si restituisce -Inf

Can someone help me? Thank you

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