Forecasting using MAD and DM Test of Predictive Accuracy
Authors: Almarian Pailden
Abstract: This app is created to get a very good model of Moving Average Forecasting using Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and DM Test of Predictive Accuracy.
This basic app is very helpful specific to BPO Industry. Having the right staffed to handle call volume in a Daily, Weekly and Monthly level is critical and will always equivalent to cost. By using this app, the efficiency to schedule right amount of agents with the right skill set at the right time will be achieved, consistent and maintained.
Full Description: This app is user friendly. Once the user has the historical data, just highlight and delete Actual_data column and enter the available data. Moving Average model will calculate based on 4,6,8 and 10 MA. Description on how to choose the best forecast model using MAD and DM Test is provided as well.
Keywords: Forecasting, Moving Average, BPO, Call Center, Short Term Forecast, Staffing, rhandsontable, DM test
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - pretty1020/MAForecasting
RStudio Cloud:
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