I am working on a data set for my hierarchical time series forecasting project which has 3,064,489 X 7 data. Using this data set, I have created a hierarchical tsibble object as per the following code:
data |>
aggregate_key(Cluster/ County, Cases= sum(count))
The hierarchical time series has been created with below dimensions:
A tsibble: 3,074,348 x 4 [1D]
# Key: Cluster, County [3,118]
- Date Cluster County Cases*
- <int*> <int*> *
Using the model() function, I have created the below models (creating these models took almost 24 hours) with the following dimensions:
A mable: 3,118 x 9
# Key: Cluster, County [3,118]
- Cluster County Mean Naive SNaive Drift Ets Arima Neural*
- <int*> <int*> *
But when I am running the forecast function using all the above models simultaneously, even after 3 days its still running without any result.
I am not sure, if the time taken by forecast function is due to big chunk of data.
Please help me with mitigating the issue.
Referred here by Forecasting: Principles and Practice, by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos