Force Table Placement

Hello together,

I hope someone is smarter than me and can help me out on this one. I have a table, containing two sub tables. I created them using Markdown Language in Quarto. Now I am trying to find out, why the heck those tables are always placed at the top of the page.

Creating tables within an R chunk using kableExtra can handle the placement of such "simple" tables by using kableExtra::kable_styling(latex_options = 'HOLD_position'). But with plain Markdown (and I used it since I have no clue how to rewrite it in kableExtra) I cannot find any options that force the table placement where it should come (instead of the top of the page).

Here is the code producing a reprex .pdf document.

title: "Reprex"
    documentclass: article
    classoption: a4paper
    number-sections: true
    tbl-cap-location: top
    mainfont: Arial
    sansfont: Arial
    lang: de
      text: |




This is a short introductional sentence which is definitely not long enough to force a placement of the table at the top of the page.

::: {#tbl-Tabelle1 layout-ncol=2}
| ID   | Start | Ende | Zustand |
| 1    | 1     | 2    | Ausb    |
| 1    | 3     | 5    | svB     |
| 1    | 6     | 7    | gB      |
| 1    | 8     | 10   | svB     |
| 2    | 1     | 3    | Ausb    |
| 2    | 4     | 5    | kE      |
| 2    | 6     | 10   | ALO     |

: SPELL Format {#tbl-SPELL}

| ID   | Monat1 | Monat2 | Monat3 | ... | Monat10 |
| 1    | Ausb   | Ausb   | svB    | ... | svB     |
| 2    | Ausb   | Ausb   | Ausb   | ... | ALO     |

: STS Format {#tbl-STS}

Übergang von SPELL in STS Format


And here are the tlmgr informations:

tlmgr revision 63068 (2022-04-18 07:58:07 +0200)
TeX Live ( version 2022

The goal would be to place the table below the first sentence, instead of above the header.

Kind regards

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I played a bit around and came to a correct placement with two modifications

  1. Rewrite the tables in data.frames and use kableExtra

  2. Specify `tbl-colum: page' in the execution options

But unfortunetaly the correct placement comes at the cost of shrinking the captions font size and misspositioning them... A second table is placed below to check for additional issues regarding placement of usual tables. Here is the actualized code:

title: "Reprex"
    documentclass: article
    classoption: a4paper
    number-sections: true
    tbl-cap-location: top
    mainfont: Arial
    sansfont: Arial
    lang: de
      text: |




This is a short introductional sentence which is definitely not long enough to force a placement of the table at the top of the page.

#| echo: false
#| label: tbl-Tabelle1
#| tbl-cap: Übergang von SPELL zu STS'
#| tbl-subcap: ['SPELL Format', 'STS Format']
#| layout: "[[1,1]]"
#| layout-align: center
#| tbl-column: page

data_SPELL <- data.frame(
  ID = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2), Start = c(1,3,6,8,1,4,6), Ende = c(2,5,7,10,2,5,10), Zustand = c('Ausb','svB','gB','svB','Ausb','kE','ALO')

data_STS <- data.frame(
  ID = c(1,2),
  Monat1 = c('Ausb','Ausb'),
  Monat2 = c('Ausb','Ausb'),
  Monat3 = c('svB','Ausb'),
  `...`  = c('...','...'),
  Monat10 = c('svB','ALO')

data_SPELL |>
  kableExtra::kbl(format = 'latex', booktabs = TRUE, escape = FALSE) |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(position = 'center',latex_options = 'HOLD_position')

data_STS |>
  kableExtra::kbl(format = 'latex', booktabs = TRUE, escape = FALSE) |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(position = 'center',latex_options = 'HOLD_position')


#| echo: false
#| label: tbl-Tabelle2
#| tbl-cap: 'Definierte Zustände'

  Index       = seq.default(1,by = 1,length.out = 7),
  Bezeichnung = c('Ausb','svB','gB','MT','ALO','Asu','kE'),
  Zustand     = c('Ausbildung',
                  'sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung',
                  'geringfügige Beschäftigung',
                  paste0('Arbeitslos (SGB II/SGB III)',kableExtra::footnote_marker_number(1,format = 'latex',double_escape = FALSE)),
                  'kein Eintrag')
) |>
  kableExtra::kbl(format = 'latex', booktabs = TRUE, escape = FALSE) |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(position = 'center',latex_options = 'HOLD_position') |>
    number = 'Der Bezug von Leistungen nach dem SGB II beschreibt den Erhalt der Grundsicherung für Arbeitslose. Demgegenüber regelt das SGB III den Leistungsbezug aus der Arbeitslosenversicherung nach Beendigung eines Erwerbsverhältnisses.',threeparttable = TRUE,fixed_small_size = TRUE)

Thanks for your interesting problem AND your solution.
Looking for a solution without the kableExtra package I saw a similar issue on the forum.
After following the suggestion of Ranae and adding to the yaml

      - \usepackage{float}
      - \floatplacement{table}{H}

I got the table in the correct place (I think).
Of course this could bite the placement of other tables.


Thank you very much!! This was exactly the missing piece which places the table in the right place (as #| tbl-column: page does) but without missplacing and shrinking the caption. I don't know wether this is a bug or not (maybe I should open an issue on GitHub?), but your code perfectly solves the issue!

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