Footnotes in tabbed rmarkdown document


Making a tabbed document in R Markdown. If I put footnotes in one tab it renders with the footnotes visible in all tabs. Anyone know of a way to stop this?


title: "Example tabs"
output: html_document

## Title 

Blah Blah

# {.tabset}

## Tab 1 

Blah Blah ^[Footnote text for tab 1]

## Tab 2

More text ^[Footnote text for tab 2]

This is what we get:

You get this because footnotes are placed at the end of the document, no matter tabset or not.

title: "Example tabs"
output: html_document

## Title 

Blah Blah

# {.tabset}

## Tab 1 

Blah Blah ^[Footnote text for tab 1]

## Tab 2

More text ^[Footnote text for tab 2]

# Some other chapter

With text below the tabset


There is no easy solution to make it work otherwise as this is how footnotes are designed to be (at the end of a document).

You can try some Javascript code to move the footnote where you want them to be.

Or you could 'simulate' footnote in the tabs maybe .

title: "Example tabs"
output: html_document

## Title 

Blah Blah

# {.tabset}

## Tab 1 

Blah Blah^1^

1. Footnote text for tab 1

## Tab 2

More text^2^

2. Footnote text for tab 2

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