Rstudio IDE clearly holds the current absolute path for several recent projects, (or at least where the project was last located). Is that project/path table accessible for use?
I have one project which assembles datasets, and several other projects which analyze these data. Thus, I often find a need to refer to datasets which live in other projects, and I resort to bad habits - absolute references, etc.
I am imagining a "there" package - akin to the "here" package - which would help find files within other projects. It would do this by identifying a file by its associated project and internally-referenced path, rather than the absolute path.
More specifically, if here::here() produced something like
there::there("project2") would produce something like
and I could refer to files within that other project with the same parsimony and clarity as is provided by here::here, e.g. there::there("project2", "data/derived/diamonds.fst")
Comments? Suggestions?
To make this work would require accessing the file which Rstudio IDE uses to adjust paths when projects are changed,selected.