Does anyone know why flextables look different in the RStudio viewer vs. opening an HTML with the table?
Not sure why the inner table cell looks different.
iris %>% head(n=4) %>% flextable() %>%
bg(bg = "#00557F", part = "header") %>%
bold(part = "header") %>%
color( color = "white", part = "header") %>%
border_outer(border = big_border, part = "all" ) %>%
border_inner_h( border = std_border, part = "all" ) %>%
border_inner_v( border = std_border, part = "all" ) %>%
autofit() %>% save_as_html(path = 'ex.html')
Chrome vs. RStudio
The image in Chrome is on the Left and RStudio viewer is on the right.
I think the version in RStudio viewer looks correct, but Chrome does not. Not sure why.
HI @LionelD,
Looks like this is just an HTML rendering issue. If you zoom-in on the table in your browser you will see that the lines all become clearly the same width.
If this is a problem then maybe save the file as a high-resolution PNG file using save_as_image() and then use that.
p.s. Your original code post was missing the border definitions: