Flexdashboard - Two Plots and one table, One Plot Shrinking in Storyboard Frames

Hi There,

While not new to R, I'm certainly no expert.

I've created a flexdashboard with RMarkdown. It has multiple pages and each page has it's own storyboard with multiple frames. Each frame within a storyboard has two plots and one table.

Previously the two plots would show side by side and the table would show below the plots. i used the "fig.width"and "fig.height" option in each r chunk.

All of a sudden, one of the plots on every frame in storyboard has been shrunk. I'm not sure why this occurring. I have some css at the top my script but can't think of anything I've done that would have this effect.

The dashboard format was created as follows:

Page1 {.storyboard}

### Frame 1

### Frame 2

Below is a sample of what the code chunks look like for each frame with options fig.width=10 and fig.height = 6. The objects were created in sperate chunks.



table_W %>% 
  kable( full_width = T, 
table.attr = "style='height:50%;'")%>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
 row_spec( 0, bold = T, 
background = "#0096D6", 
underline = T, color = "white" ) %>% 
background = "#e5e8e8",
 color = "black",
 bold = T) %>% 
 color = "#B49CCA", 
italic  = T)

my yaml is as follows

    orientation: rows
    social: FALSE

Would anyone be able to provide some guidance or insight on how I might fix the problem?

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