flexdashboard isolate file input for child Rmd

I'm trying to incorporate an Rmd I have been using into a flexdashboard. I'm curious if it is possible to use isolate() on an uploaded file and use it as-is rather than writing a bunch of reactive functions. If this is my template, is it possible to get a static object named df that the child document can go ahead and run with?

title: "help"
runtime: shiny
    orientation: rows

fileInput("data", "select data")

df <- isolate(input$data)

```{r, child="some_code.Rmd"}

My real example does something completely different but let's say some_code.Rmd looks like this:

title: "some code"
output: html_document

```{r packages, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE)

The data looks like this:

The numeric data can be summarized with the following means
df |> 
  summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean)) |> 

This ended up working:

knitr::knit() + markdown::markdownToHTML() + HTML() ---> renderUI()

    title: "help"
    runtime: shiny
        orientation: rows
    Sidebar {.sidebar}
    ```{r file-input}
    fileInput("data", "select data")
    ```{r knit-child}
    observeEvent(input$data, {
      df <- isolate(read.csv(input$data$datapath))
      new_env <- list2env(list(df = df))
      output$res <- renderUI({
        knitr::knit("some_code.Rmd", quiet = TRUE, envir = new_env) |> 
          markdown::markdownToHTML() |> 

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