I'm trying to replicate some analysis where the terms x and y are related using the following mathematical equation, where A through G are dimensionless constants:
y = \frac{Ax^2+Bx+C+Dx^{-1}}{Ex^2+Fx+Gx}
I am at a complete loss as to how to turn a tibble (for sake of simplicity, say it is named df and the columns are just x and y) into a model that follows this equation. Is this an nlm() job?
This is something I struggle with; transforming a known mathematical expression into the R formula that could produce it. For full context, this is a model taken from an Excel spreadsheet where A through G were given and you just had to plug in your value of x. I have my own data that I'd like to use to recreate the same kind of x-y curve.
This doesnt seem workable on its face...
Fx and Gx are both there. thats an infinity of solutions even for fixed known x/y pairs...
maybe it should be only Fx and forget the Gx, as the x is the same power ?
I think this requires a nonlinear optimization with optim.
You must write a function that accepts as an argument the parameter values A, B, C, ... and returns a sum of square error.
Then ask optim to adjust the parameter values to minimize the error.
In my experience you have to be careful that the arguments are consistent between all your functions. You'll have a function for the model, a function that returns the error, and optim, that requires the arguments to be specified a certain way.
Here's my solution adapted from work I've done in the past. method = "BFGS" generally works best for me.
# model
my_model <- function(p, x) {
y <- p["A"] * x^2 + p["B"] * x + p["C"] + p["D"] / x # just the numerator
# real values
p <- c(A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4)
# simulated data
# make x order 1 otherwise some model terms will dominate
my_data <- tibble(
x = seq(0.5, 1.5, .001),
y = my_model(p, x) # + 0.01 + runif(length(x))
with(my_data, qplot(x, y))
# objective fn
calc_obj <- function(p, model, df) {
resid <- model(p, df$x) - df$y
# initial guess
p0 <- c(A = 1.1, B = 2.2, C = 3.3, D = 4.4)
# try to recover the real values through nonlinear opt
soln <- optim(
par = p0,
fn = calc_obj,
method = "BFGS",
control = list(trace = 5, REPORT = TRUE),
model = my_model,
df = my_data
#> initial value 33.193450
#> iter 2 value 5.247466
#> iter 3 value 4.227183
#> iter 4 value 1.328340
#> iter 5 value 0.789765
#> iter 6 value 0.344899
#> iter 7 value 0.155544
#> iter 8 value 0.109454
#> iter 9 value 0.084487
#> iter 10 value 0.040555
#> iter 11 value 0.035276
#> iter 12 value 0.017175
#> iter 13 value 0.007212
#> iter 14 value 0.006679
#> iter 15 value 0.006320
#> iter 16 value 0.005695
#> iter 17 value 0.005051
#> iter 17 value 0.005051
#> iter 18 value 0.004443
#> iter 19 value 0.004018
#> iter 20 value 0.002721
#> iter 21 value 0.002691
#> iter 21 value 0.002691
#> iter 22 value 0.002289
#> iter 23 value 0.002194
#> iter 24 value 0.001797
#> iter 24 value 0.001797
#> iter 25 value 0.001328
#> iter 26 value 0.001268
#> iter 27 value 0.001174
#> iter 28 value 0.001153
#> iter 29 value 0.001147
#> iter 30 value 0.001145
#> iter 31 value 0.001145
#> iter 32 value 0.001145
#> iter 33 value 0.001145
#> iter 34 value 0.000906
#> iter 35 value 0.000877
#> iter 35 value 0.000877
#> iter 36 value 0.000766
#> iter 37 value 0.000746
#> iter 38 value 0.000688
#> iter 38 value 0.000688
#> iter 39 value 0.000637
#> iter 40 value 0.000637
#> iter 40 value 0.000637
#> iter 41 value 0.000615
#> iter 42 value 0.000615
#> iter 43 value 0.000598
#> iter 44 value 0.000598
#> iter 45 value 0.000597
#> iter 45 value 0.000597
#> iter 46 value 0.000591
#> iter 47 value 0.000585
#> iter 48 value 0.000580
#> iter 49 value 0.000577
#> iter 49 value 0.000577
#> iter 50 value 0.000574
#> iter 51 value 0.000569
#> iter 52 value 0.000569
#> iter 53 value 0.000569
#> iter 53 value 0.000569
#> iter 54 value 0.000566
#> iter 55 value 0.000563
#> iter 56 value 0.000546
#> iter 57 value 0.000546
#> iter 58 value 0.000546
#> iter 58 value 0.000546
#> iter 59 value 0.000540
#> iter 60 value 0.000537
#> iter 61 value 0.000534
#> iter 62 value 0.000533
#> iter 62 value 0.000533
#> iter 63 value 0.000511
#> iter 64 value 0.000511
#> iter 65 value 0.000510
#> iter 66 value 0.000509
#> iter 67 value 0.000509
#> iter 68 value 0.000509
#> iter 69 value 0.000509
#> iter 69 value 0.000509
#> iter 70 value 0.000507
#> iter 71 value 0.000503
#> iter 72 value 0.000502
#> iter 73 value 0.000502
#> iter 74 value 0.000502
#> iter 75 value 0.000502
#> iter 76 value 0.000502
#> iter 76 value 0.000502
#> iter 77 value 0.000496
#> iter 78 value 0.000496
#> iter 79 value 0.000492
#> iter 79 value 0.000492
#> iter 80 value 0.000488
#> iter 81 value 0.000481
#> iter 82 value 0.000479
#> iter 83 value 0.000476
#> iter 84 value 0.000475
#> iter 84 value 0.000475
#> iter 85 value 0.000472
#> iter 86 value 0.000468
#> iter 87 value 0.000468
#> iter 88 value 0.000467
#> iter 88 value 0.000467
#> iter 89 value 0.000458
#> iter 90 value 0.000449
#> iter 91 value 0.000443
#> iter 92 value 0.000436
#> iter 92 value 0.000436
#> iter 93 value 0.000434
#> iter 94 value 0.000430
#> iter 95 value 0.000424
#> iter 96 value 0.000424
#> iter 96 value 0.000424
#> iter 97 value 0.000421
#> iter 98 value 0.000416
#> iter 99 value 0.000415
#> iter 100 value 0.000413
#> final value 0.000413
#> stopped after 100 iterations
# results
name = names(p),
true_value = p,
guess = p0,
solution = soln$par
) %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 x 4
#> name true_value guess solution
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A 1 1.1 0.999
#> 2 B 2 2.2 2.00
#> 3 C 3 3.3 3.00
#> 4 D 4 4.4 4.00
I'm interested as well now to see indeed if there is a way to do this with the provided formula. I tried to use nls() but I keep getting the error :
data = data.frame(x = 10:1, y = 1:10)
nls(y ~ (Aa*x^2 + Bb*x + Cc + Dd*x^(-1)) * Ee,
data, start = list(Aa = 1, Bb = 1, Cc = 1, Dd = 1, Ee = 1))
Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts, scaleOffset = scOff, nDcentral = nDcntr) :
singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
As @nirgrahamuk showed, this might be because of the formula, and I like his approach for the estimation of the initial values. I'm not good at this type of maths, so will follow closely to see which approach works best in the end
Oh. I think in the data you created for the example y = 1/x. So you should get As=Bb=Cc=0. But then Dd and Ee are interchangeable. That's probably the source of the error.
This is not the kind of problem that one typically encounters in applied statistics. You know the data generation process in functional form but not the coefficients. Think of someone telling you "I know that the circumference of a circle is related to the radius but I don't know what the constant is". How would you find PI? But this relationship has many more degrees of freedom.
So if we plug in your original equation to something like Desmos, we can see that if all the parameters = 1, we get really interesting plot with lines going down each axis.
If you make a scatter plot of your XY data, you could use Desmos by adjusting the sliders until you get something that you could imagine would fit your data. Then use those values as starting values in nls().
I guess my concern is what sort of data would you have that requires such a function? You have negative X and Y values too? Are you only concerned with what is going on when X and Y are both positive?
I agree with @arthur.t in that your goal to come up with the parameter values will require some clever work with nls and optim. This is one reason why self-starting functions are popular (some included in stats and more available through other packages like nlraa.
Just as an example, here is a reprex that uses a self-starting function with 6 parameters. That is pretty close to your 7, and it demonstrates that your problem may be solved somehow.
fit <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(
Petal.Width ~ SSsharp(Sepal.Length, a, b, c, d, e, f), data = iris
iris %>%
ggplot(aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Width)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(y = predict(fit))) +
# or
geom_line(stat = "smooth",
method = "nlsLM",
formula = y ~ SSsharp(x, a, b, c, d, e, f),
se = FALSE,
color = "red")
If the equation is something that an engineer came up with in Excel solver, frankly you may want to scrap it and start fresh. I've seen some terrible models created by people who didn't understand overfitting.
The practice of "curve fitting" with polynomials and Excel solver is best left in the past.