find MLE od theta from cauchi distrubtion with Newton Rapson method

I have this sample data -

> dput(my_vec)
c(7.16523478153752, 5.66659652818595, 4.47575534893755, 4.84970857977856, 
15.2276296414708, -0.573093658844655, 4.97980673868322, 2.73969325233614, 
5.14683035133365, 10.1221488713611, 9.01656611721311, 65.711819422978, 
5.52057043354834, 6.30674880627702, 8.67771771267678, 5.2528503049587, 
3.50395623925858, 4.24774012371174, 11.4137624410312, -48.1722033880239, 
-0.376400642113356, 5.76475359419462, -27.353313803102, 4.09682042042852, 
5.03373747558625, 3.8261660769812, 4.43580895525249, 4.22242932760446, 
4.44905425775097, 4.98475525084258, 3.6416524979406, 3.81767927422987, 
-93.2141354888589, 5.01103555428068, 5.38206564752185, 3.0296536606134, 
86.676038167071, 3.76536864898752, 7.26590572567999, 4.63759338498908, 
-17.2259677581435, 4.90903933854569, 4.43042810097151, 5.41519101700693, 
7.01553803666926, 5.05370712380939, 5.22896180532498, 3.92429687923716, 
5.46452912130986, 4.50524864464907, 6.13119216629816, 6.931011365041, 
5.70039361940988, 6.12470771804837, 6.66119827017415, -4.26865103703534, 
4.77160581324527, 7.91297525486072, 7.04882594451997, -98.2224152538262, 
6.22663920777969, 5.77535246011091, -9.91868097075743, 7.77803716672203, 
-10.1297033914588, 4.56699263921898, 8.56120643036614, 2.28239965661689, 
5.6212927060249, 5.42419784358529, 5.3654428914847, 3.89730116338776, 
3.93504254066386, 4.38168766024675, 3.00038017933155, 4.81884527713388, 
4.45257297902316, -3.50516232920359, 6.07365636649988, 4.26195094225287, 
4.73753258557777, 0.807607628402986, 3.93740907315333, 3.08283749617447, 
3.77379774203008, 2.56562208889432, -19.6532587812275, 8.00379422844706, 
5.27350155029373, 5.17570743606727, 6.49856446395129, -8.78462344722329, 
4.38775671122269, 4.39685118092286, 3.52571990926583, 7.13834590807858, 
0.724655622024244, 5.72807728660989, 6.58172179467414, 6.22426074825281

and, I need to estimate theta from our sample ( our data is the sample ) , with Newton Rapson method. theta parameter comes from a Cauchi distribution, when my initial value is the mean of the sample.

I wrote something like this -

> data<-read.table(file.choose(), header = TRUE, sep= "")
> my_vec<-as.numeric(as.character(unlist(data[[1]])))
> dput(my_vec)
> nr_method<-function(x,toler=.001){      #x is a vector here
>   start_value<-median(x)
>   n=length(x);
>   theta=start_value;
>   # Compute first deriviative of log likelihood
>   first_derivate<-2*sum((x-theta)/(1+(x-theta)^2))
>   # Continue Newton’s method until the first derivative
>   while(abs(first_derivate)>toler){
>     # Compute second derivative of log likelihood
>     second_derivate=2*sum(((x-theta)^2-1)/(1+(x-theta)^2)^2);
>     # Newton’s method update of estimate of theta
>     theta_new<-theta-first_derivate/second_derivate;
>     theta=theta_new;
>     # Compute first derivative of log likelihood
>     first_derivate=2*sum((x-theta)/(1+(x-theta)^2))
>   }
>   list(theta_hat=theta);
> }
> main_fun <- function (theta, x)
> {
>   sum (-log(1+(x-theta)^2))
> }
> th<-seq(-15,15,by=0.1)
> ll<-rep(0,length(th))
> for (i in 1:length(th)) ll[i] <- main_fun(th[i],x)
> plot(th,ll,type="l")
> try1<-nr_method(x,1e-5)

but I don't know ho to contunie from here.
Finanlly, I neeed to plot the likelihood, and make sure I found the max.

any help?

I see a few times in your code where you have x but need to have my_vec. I'm not sure what else you need to fix than that:

my_vec <- c(7.16523478153752, 5.66659652818595, 4.47575534893755, 4.84970857977856, 
            15.2276296414708, -0.573093658844655, 4.97980673868322, 2.73969325233614, 
            5.14683035133365, 10.1221488713611, 9.01656611721311, 65.711819422978, 
            5.52057043354834, 6.30674880627702, 8.67771771267678, 5.2528503049587, 
            3.50395623925858, 4.24774012371174, 11.4137624410312, -48.1722033880239, 
            -0.376400642113356, 5.76475359419462, -27.353313803102, 4.09682042042852, 
            5.03373747558625, 3.8261660769812, 4.43580895525249, 4.22242932760446, 
            4.44905425775097, 4.98475525084258, 3.6416524979406, 3.81767927422987, 
            -93.2141354888589, 5.01103555428068, 5.38206564752185, 3.0296536606134, 
            86.676038167071, 3.76536864898752, 7.26590572567999, 4.63759338498908, 
            -17.2259677581435, 4.90903933854569, 4.43042810097151, 5.41519101700693, 
            7.01553803666926, 5.05370712380939, 5.22896180532498, 3.92429687923716, 
            5.46452912130986, 4.50524864464907, 6.13119216629816, 6.931011365041, 
            5.70039361940988, 6.12470771804837, 6.66119827017415, -4.26865103703534, 
            4.77160581324527, 7.91297525486072, 7.04882594451997, -98.2224152538262, 
            6.22663920777969, 5.77535246011091, -9.91868097075743, 7.77803716672203, 
            -10.1297033914588, 4.56699263921898, 8.56120643036614, 2.28239965661689, 
            5.6212927060249, 5.42419784358529, 5.3654428914847, 3.89730116338776, 
            3.93504254066386, 4.38168766024675, 3.00038017933155, 4.81884527713388, 
            4.45257297902316, -3.50516232920359, 6.07365636649988, 4.26195094225287, 
            4.73753258557777, 0.807607628402986, 3.93740907315333, 3.08283749617447, 
            3.77379774203008, 2.56562208889432, -19.6532587812275, 8.00379422844706, 
            5.27350155029373, 5.17570743606727, 6.49856446395129, -8.78462344722329, 
            4.38775671122269, 4.39685118092286, 3.52571990926583, 7.13834590807858, 
            0.724655622024244, 5.72807728660989, 6.58172179467414, 6.22426074825281
nr_method<-function(x,toler=.001){      #x is a vector here
  # Compute first deriviative of log likelihood
  # Continue Newton's method until the first derivative
    # Compute second derivative of log likelihood
    # Newton's method update of estimate of theta
    # Compute first derivative of log likelihood
main_fun <- function (theta, x)
  sum (-log(1+(x-theta)^2))
for (i in 1:length(th)) ll[i] <- main_fun(th[i],my_vec)

#> $theta_hat
#> [1] 4.926955

Created on 2020-12-21 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

yes, but the plot shouldn't look like this. it should be look like normal distrubtuion and with xlimit = c ( 4.0 , 5.4 ) and on ylimit = c ( 0, 2.5 )

but it doesn't work.

our initial value is the median of the sample . # this is the first step
then, we we need to update theta(k).
we need to use newton - raphson method and to run this step to convergence - until the difference between Theta(k-1) to Theta(k) is a negligible difference. ( for example 10^-4) .
we need to return the last Theta(k) as Theta_hat MLE

when I changed the limit it doesn't looks good. so, maybe I have miss something

I'm not sure why this will look like the normal distribution. It is the Cauchy distribution. Please refer to the homework policy - this is as far as I feel comfortable helping.

I have written a code, I just don't understand what is the problem in my code. I just asked for someone to look on my code. that's all.

puttting aside the homework policy controversy,.. how would you answer StatSteph's seemingly reasonable query?

I'm not sure why this will look like the normal distribution. It is the Cauchy distribution.

it's need to be a little bit similar to normal.. I didn't say it's need to be normal. my plot is almost there.... but I need some little help...

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