Filter() in dplyr not working in function

I'm trying to create a function has work like INDEX in Excel using select and filter in function.

Here is my code but it seem like not working when I tested with one data frame.

index_matching <- function(data = NULL, row_matching, col_matching){
    if(!missing(data)) {
      #Variable create
      col <- quo(col_matching)
      row <- row_matching
      matching <- data %>% %>%
      filter(!!col == row) #This row has problem
      select(!!col) %>%
  } else {
   message("You must specify data frame to matching!")

I want to search the row "B" and column length to have needed data, in this example is 4.9.

raw_input_data <- data.frame(
      length = c(5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5),
      width = c(3.5, 3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6)
      text = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")

But when I use the function, there has been a error that they return data frame with 0 rows and

index_matching(raw_input_data, row_matching = "B", col_matching = "length")

Here is the error

[1] component_type
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

I think it's a issue but I want to ask in R community first. Glad to hear comment.

What exactly is not working? From the code you've provided it's impossible to say.

To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

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Many thanks for the guidance. I'm a newbie and this suggest help me a lot. I fixed the question more clear. Thanks

If you want to pass the variable name in col_matching as a string (meaning in quotes), you'll need to use sym() in the function.

That would look like:

index_matching <- function(data = NULL, row_matching, col_matching){
    if(!missing(data)) {
        #Variable create
        col <- sym(col_matching)
        row <- row_matching
        matching <- data %>%
            filter(!!col == row) #This row has problem
        select(matching, !!col) 
    } else {
        message("You must specify data frame to matching!")

index_matching(raw_input_data, row_matching = "B", col_matching = "text")
 1    B

You will still get 0-row output if you use a column that doesn't contain "B", though.

If you want to pass the column without quotes you need enquo() instead of quo() in your function.

index_matching <- function(data = NULL, row_matching, col_matching){
    if(!missing(data)) {
        #Variable create
        col <- enquo(col_matching)
        row <- row_matching
        matching <- data %>%
            filter(!!col == row) #This row has problem
        select(matching, !!col) 
    } else {
        message("You must specify data frame to matching!")

index_matching(raw_input_data, row_matching = "B", col_matching = text)
 1    B

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