Filling a data frame by mutating sequence of dates

# Toy Data
df <- structure(
    eid = 52249:52250, pid = c("2024004", "2024008"), 
    date_from = c("20231231", "20240128"),
    date_to = c("20240127","20240224")
  row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

eid pid date_from date_to
52249 2024004 20231231 20240127
52250 2024008 20240128 20240224

How to mutate a variable date by creating a sequence of dates by taking date_from and date_to into account? Below is an example of what is wanted:

> df_wanted |> head()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
    eid pid     date_from date_to  date      
  <int> <chr>   <chr>     <chr>    <date>    
1 52249 2024004 20231231  20240127 2023-12-31
2 52249 2024004 20231231  20240127 2024-01-01
3 52249 2024004 20231231  20240127 2024-01-02
4 52249 2024004 20231231  20240127 2024-01-03
5 52249 2024004 20231231  20240127 2024-01-04
6 52249 2024004 20231231  20240127 2024-01-05

> df_wanted |> tail()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
    eid pid     date_from date_to  date      
  <int> <chr>   <chr>     <chr>    <date>    
1 52250 2024008 20240128  20240224 2024-02-19
2 52250 2024008 20240128  20240224 2024-02-20
3 52250 2024008 20240128  20240224 2024-02-21
4 52250 2024008 20240128  20240224 2024-02-22
5 52250 2024008 20240128  20240224 2024-02-23
6 52250 2024008 20240128  20240224 2024-02-24

Hi @budugulo
how about

df |> 
  rowwise() |>
  mutate(date = list(seq(date_from, date_to, by="1 day"))) |> 

date_from - date_to have to be dates.

df |> 
  rowwise() |>
  mutate(date = list(seq(as.Date(date_from, format = "%Y%m%d"), as.Date(date_to, format = "%Y%m%d"), by="1 day"))) |> 

if you need date_from and date_to to be chr.

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@vedoa Many thanks! Both works :partying_face:

Just for future reference, as you commented, the first solution works only when dates are provided in actual date format.

Here is another way of solving the problem:

df |> 
    date = map2(
      ~seq(.x, .y, by = "day")
  ) |> 
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