I am trying to include a picture in the documentation of a package. I think my code is correct and the file is placed correctly, but the picture is not being shown in the documentation.
Roxygen code:
#' @section Figures:
#' \if{html}{\figure{eq_FPKA.PNG}{options: width=100\%}}
The file exists and is placed in 'man/figures':
> file.exists(here("man", "figures", "eq_FPKA.PNG"))
[1] TRUE
But when I run document()
and inspect the documentation of the file it just looks like this:
The image is not displayed.
I have tried inserting a path to a file that doesn't exist. The result looks the same.
I have also tried to run install()
, restart R and run the documentation on the installed package. The result is the same.
I have also tried renaming the file from 'eq_FPKA.PNG' to 'eqFPKA.PNG' to avoid the underscore, but again... no difference.
Can anybody give me some ideas as to what is going on?