Fatal error occuring

Hey guys, I was just about to open RStudio, and pick up where I left off but suddenly it won't open anymore. It always comes up with these error messages:

I am running MacOS Sonoma Beta 1. I tried updating to a daily RStudio build but that doesnt help either. I created a second user profile on my mac and RStduio works fine there.

This is my error:
2023-06-26T11:45:09.188670Z [rsession-lorenzwagner] WARNING ASSERTION FAILED: !posix::pthread_mutex_unlock(&m); LOGGED FROM: void rstudio_boost::recursive_mutex::unlock() /Users/user193109/opt/rstudio-tools/x86_64/boost/boost_1_78_0/include/boost/thread/pthread/recursive_mutex.hpp:113 2023-06-26T11:45:09.189044Z [rsession-lorenzwagner] WARNING ASSERTION FAILED: px != 0; LOGGED FROM: typename rstudio_boost::detail::sp_dereference<T>::type rstudio_boost::shared_ptr<rstudio_boost::signals2::mutex>::operator*() const [T = rstudio_boost::signals2::mutex] /Users/user193109/opt/rstudio-tools/x86_64/boost/boost_1_78_0/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:780 2023-06-26T11:45:09.189044Z [rsession-lorenzwagner] WARNING ASSERTION FAILED: px != 0; LOGGED FROM: typename rstudio_boost::detail::sp_dereference<T>::type rstudio_boost::shared_ptr<rstudio_boost::signals2::mutex>::operator*() const [T = rstudio_boost::signals2::mutex] /Users/user193109/opt/rstudio-tools/x86_64/boost/boost_1_78_0/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:780

If it works on another user profile, it's possible that there's a problem with the user-specific storage or settings. Here's how to find and remove those:

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