I have an r package on github that is a dependency of a shiny app that I'm trying to convert to a shinylive app. On running > shinylive::export("R", "site")
in the app repo, it errored out because that package didn't have the WASM binary assets associated with the release. That pointed me to the r-wasm/actions
repo, where I learned from the workflows README to run :
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r-wasm/actions/v2/examples/release-file-system-image.yml"
On making a release, the action triggered but errored out with:
Run has_wasm_need <-
has_wasm_need <-
file.exists("DESCRIPTION") &&
"Config/Needs/wasm" %in% names(as.list(read.dcf("DESCRIPTION")[1,]))
pkg <- if (has_wasm_need) as.list(read.dcf("DESCRIPTION")[1,])$`Config/Needs/wasm` else ""
pkg <- paste0(strsplit(pkg, "[[:space:],]+")[[1]], collapse = ",")
cat("pkg=", pkg, "\n", file = Sys.getenv("GITHUB_OUTPUT"), sep = "", append = TRUE)
Error: Rscript: command not found
Which makes me think that the image doesn't have R. Is the user supposed to tinker with the image used in this workflow?
Thanks for your help!