I did some investigation and found that feasts::guerrero() produces subseries from all the data (even if the last subseries is incomplete) but forecast::BoxCox.lambda() removes the first few observations so that all subseries have the same length.
There is still a very slight difference in the results since feasts uses a lower limit of -0.9, and forecast uses -1. You can change the bounds of possible values for lambda using the lower and upper arguments.
aus_production %>%
features(Gas, features = guerrero, .period = 4, lower = -1) %>%
#> [1] 0.1095382
Gas <- aus_production$Gas
gas <- ts(Gas, start = c(1956,1), end = c(2010,2), frequency = 4)
BoxCox.lambda(gas, method = "guerrero")
#> [1] 0.1095382