Welcome to the forum.
I think to work with your data, it's easier first to change the shape of it so you then can do more easy comparisons. When you post next time, read the reprex guide first to see how you can more easily share data (instead of screenshot ).
A reprex consists of the minimal code and data needed to recreate the issue/question you're having. You can find instructions how to build and share one here:
#Dummy data
myData = data.frame(
rank1 = 1:5,
category1 = LETTERS[1:5],
freq1 = sort(runif(5, 10, 500), decreasing = T),
index1 = sort(runif(5, 50, 100), decreasing = T),
rank2 = 1:5,
category2 = LETTERS[3:7],
freq2 = sort(runif(5, 10, 500), decreasing = T),
index2 = sort(runif(5, 50, 100), decreasing = T)
#> rank1 category1 freq1 index1 rank2 category2 freq2 index2
#> 1 1 A 290.77579 99.62580 1 C 429.53147 96.53265
#> 2 2 B 253.47117 83.76906 2 D 260.76972 94.01472
#> 3 3 C 204.33145 75.40200 3 E 236.83461 92.82498
#> 4 4 D 180.30147 63.70797 4 F 199.06805 83.95600
#> 5 5 E 11.42078 55.96340 5 G 92.88799 51.39425
#Save the number of rows
totalRows = nrow(myData)
#Paste similar columns together
myData = rbind(
setNames(myData[,1:4], c("rank", "category", "freq", "index")),
setNames(myData[,5:8], c("rank", "category", "freq", "index"))
#Make sure to name the data coming from different columns
myData$group = rep(c("group1", "group2"), each = totalRows)
#> rank category freq index group
#> 1 1 A 290.77579 99.62580 group1
#> 2 2 B 253.47117 83.76906 group1
#> 3 3 C 204.33145 75.40200 group1
#> 4 4 D 180.30147 63.70797 group1
#> 5 5 E 11.42078 55.96340 group1
#> 6 1 C 429.53147 96.53265 group2
#> 7 2 D 260.76972 94.01472 group2
#> 8 3 E 236.83461 92.82498 group2
#> 9 4 F 199.06805 83.95600 group2
#> 10 5 G 92.88799 51.39425 group2
# --- ANALYSE DATA (using Tidyverse functions)
#Example, sort by category
myData %>% arrange(category)
#> rank category freq index group
#> 1 1 A 290.77579 99.62580 group1
#> 2 2 B 253.47117 83.76906 group1
#> 3 3 C 204.33145 75.40200 group1
#> 4 1 C 429.53147 96.53265 group2
#> 5 4 D 180.30147 63.70797 group1
#> 6 2 D 260.76972 94.01472 group2
#> 7 5 E 11.42078 55.96340 group1
#> 8 3 E 236.83461 92.82498 group2
#> 9 4 F 199.06805 83.95600 group2
#> 10 5 G 92.88799 51.39425 group2
#Example, group by category and look who is present
myData %>% group_by(category) %>%
n = n(),
presentIn = paste(group, collapse = ","),
avgFreq = mean(freq))
#> `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#> # A tibble: 7 x 4
#> category n presentIn avgFreq
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 A 1 group1 291.
#> 2 B 1 group1 253.
#> 3 C 2 group1,group2 317.
#> 4 D 2 group1,group2 221.
#> 5 E 2 group1,group2 124.
#> 6 F 1 group2 199.
#> 7 G 1 group2 92.9
Created on 2021-05-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
The first part of the code is transforming the data into a longer format by parsing columns together into long rows, but adding an extra column group to know which column they originally belonged to.
Then you can use the Tidyverse dplyr functions to start doing some great summaries / anayses. I included a few examples.
Hope this helps,