I'm attempting to extract data from the Wales government statistics services OData API. Details on the API can be found here, including an example of how to filter the data.
However I seem to be getting a non-deterministic subset of the data i.e. each attempt results in a different number of records returned.
Below is a simple reproducible example.
Additionally I have also tried (HT @martinjhnhadley):
- using
, which has the same result. - attempting to use the
url, if it is returned in the json object, to keep extracting more data. Again, each attempt results in a different sized object.
Any insight will be much appreciated!
## preliminaries
# prepare filters
filter1 <- "Column_ItemName_ENG"
filter1.value <- "Gross%20expenditure"
filter2 <- "Row_ItemName_ENG"
filter2.value <- "Parking%20of%20vehicles"
query <- paste0("http://open.statswales.gov.wales/en-gb/dataset/lgfs0009?$filter=",
filter1, "%20eq%20%27", filter1.value, "%27%20and%20",
filter2, "%20eq%20%27", filter2.value, "%27")
# test 1
test1 <- jsonlite::fromJSON(query)
test1 <- test1[[2]]
# test 2
test2 <- jsonlite::fromJSON(query)
test2 <- test2[[2]]
# test 3
test3 <- jsonlite::fromJSON(query)
test3 <- test3[[2]]
# compare results
PS: I have cross-posted this question to Stackoverflow, and I promise to update either post with relevant solutions found on the other one.