Hello All,
I am trying to read an .PNG, JPEG image and need to extract the text from that image. The extracted information is Invoices image I want to write those information in Excel sheet. I re-used the code published in this provider:
ExtractTable - API to convert image to excel, extract tables from PDF , here is the complete code:
## Load required R packages (must be installed first)
install.packages(c("magrittr", "jsonlite", "httr"))
# Main Functions
## Parse Server Response
parseResponse <- function(server_resp) {return(fromJSON(content(server_resp, "text", encoding="UTF-8")))}
## Function to Check credits usage
check_credits <- function(api_key) {
validate_endpoint = 'https://validator.extracttable.com'
return(content(GET(url = validate_endpoint, add_headers(`x-api-key` = api_key)), as = 'parsed', type = 'application/json'))
## Function to Retrieve the result by JobId
retrieve_result <- function(api_key, job_id) {
retrieve_endpoint = "https://getresult.extracttable.com"
url = paste0(retrieve_endpoint, "/?JobId=", job_id),
add_headers(`x-api-key` = api_key)
## Function to trigger a file for extraction
proces_file <- function(api_key, filepath) {
trigger_endpoint = "https://trigger.extracttable.com"
return (
url = trigger_endpoint,
add_headers(`Content-Type`="multipart/form-data", `x-api-key` = api_key),
body = list(input = upload_file(filepath))
## Function to extract all tables from the input file
ExtractTable <- function(filepath, api_key) {
server_response <- proces_file(api_key, filepath)
parsed_resp = parseResponse(server_response)
# Wait for a maximum of 5 minutes to finish the trigger job
# Retries every 20 seconds
max_wait_time = 5*60
retry_interval = 20
while (parsed_resp$JobStatus == 'Processing' & max_wait_time >= 0) {
max_wait_time = max_wait_time - retry_interval
print(paste0("Job is still in progress. Let's wait for ", retry_interval, " seconds"))
server_response <- retrieve_result(api_key, job_id=parsed_resp$JobId)
parsed_resp = parseResponse(server_response)
### Parse the response for tables
et_tables <- content(server_response, as = 'parsed', type = 'application/json')
all_tables <- list()
if (tolower(parsed_resp$JobStatus) != "success") {
print(paste0("The processing was NOT SUCCESSFUL Below is the complete response from the server"))
### Convert the extracted tabular JSON data as a dataframe for future use
### Each data frame represents one table
for (i in 1:length(et_tables$Table)) {
all_tables[[i]] <- sapply(et_tables$Tables[[i]]$TableJson, unlist) %>% t() %>% as.data.frame()
} #end of function
# Usage
## Intialize valid API key received from https://extracttable.com
api_key = ""
# Validate or check credits of the API key
credits <- check_credits(api_key = api_key)$usage
input_location = "E:/OCR Test/Test Bill.jpeg"
Excel_location = "E:/OCR Test/"
# Trigger the job for processing and get results as an array of dataframes
# Each data frame represents one table
results <- ExtractTable(api_key = api_key, filepath = input_location)
for(i in 1:Size) {
# No<-as.character(i)
write.xlsx2(results[[i]], paste(Excel_location, "data_all.xlsx"), row.names = FALSE, sheetName = paste("Sheet", as.character(i), sep=""), append = TRUE) # Append other data frames
I have 3 Questions on this regard
Q.1 We have a webpage for uploading the Image file to be extracted , on this page
How can I embed shiny inside the page to get the uploaded Image and then put in the variable (Input_location) in R code? Also how to output the Excel file to be downloaded by the user of the page?
Q.2 Our customers need the output in excel with a specific template format , how can you help me to arrange the output on the same format like the one on the screen-shot below?
Q.3 For the Arabic language I have the following code:
knitr::include_graphics("E:/OCR Test/Invoice.PNG")
textt3 <- tesseract::ocr(image = "E:/OCR Test/Invoice2.jpeg",
engine = tesseract("ara"))
How can we use the code of extracting Arabic words in the original code posted earlier?
Q.4 Any suggestion if I don't want to use the service (API Token) from the provider ,
And do my own homework to get the same results without using API Token?