This is a follow-up to my previous post about geom_area. I want to display an interactive plot based upon stacked geom_area's in a Shiny app using plotly... Unfortunately, it seems that there is a unfixed bug in plotly when displaying geom_area. I was thinking to work around the problem by adding a geom_point layer of "invisible" points displayed at the same coordinates as those generated by geom_area...
So my question is, how can I reproduce the calculation performed in the background by geom_area to capture the point coordinates in a new data object?
Thanks in advance for your help
data <- bind_rows(
time = as.numeric( rep(seq(1,7), each = 7) ),
value = runif(49, 10, 100),
grp = rep(LETTERS[1:7], times = 7),
task = 'a'
time = as.numeric( rep(seq(1,7), each = 7) ),
value = runif(49, 10, 100),
grp = rep(LETTERS[1:7], times = 7),
task = 'b'
ggplot(data, aes(x = time, y = value, fill = grp, group=interaction(task, grp))) +
geom_area( color = 'white')