Extract duration from string

How can I convert this string column to duration per min. I intent to use wildcard character but I have some problems when convert this

Here is one method.

DF <- data.frame(Duration = c("24 min per ep",
                              "1 hr 55 min",
                              "24 min per ep",
                              "24 min"))
#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.3.3
DF |> mutate(Hour = str_extract(Duration, "^\\d+(?= hr)"),
             Hour = ifelse(is.na(Hour), 0, Hour),
             Min = str_extract(Duration, "\\d+(?= min)"),
             Duration2 = as.numeric(Hour) * 60 + as.numeric(Min))
#>        Duration Hour Min Duration2
#> 1 24 min per ep    0  24        24
#> 2   1 hr 55 min    1  55       115
#> 3 24 min per ep    0  24        24
#> 4        24 min    0  24        24

Created on 2024-06-09 with reprex v2.0.2


Thanks for your help <3

I'm guessing @FJCC 's solution is exactly what you were looking for — a way to extract the number of hours and minutes from a string — but in case you wanted to create a column whose data type is duration, the lubridate package's duration() function can convert strings similar to yours into durations:

duration("1 hour 55 min")
#> [1] "6900s (~1.92 hours)"

Created on 2024-06-10 with reprex v2.0.2


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