hello guys,
okay so itried exportin my rmd file to a pdf document, however i keep getting this error .
! Missing endcsname inserted.
l.196 ...j6wuDSgJv-AhX6picCHZH9CI4QMygKegUIARD5AQ}
title: "Penguins Plots"
author: "Kwadwo Nyarko"
date: "r Sys.Date()
output: pdf_document
That is my YAML by the way.
Nothing wrong with the YAML. Must be something else.
This comes from the deep recesses of the compilation process. Try these
- Confirm working install by creating a new Rmarkdown document, save with modifying and knit.
- If ok on default file, make a copy of failed document and remove any LaTeX or HTML markup
- If ok, check encoding is UTF-8
From a quick search, I found this
I seems to be a LaTeX issue related to characters in labels.
Can you check all your chunk labels for any special character that could trigger this issue ?
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