I'm new to all of this so will very much appreciate any help at all!
I have a "glm" and "OLS" models results that I want to export to LaTex, in the form of a table. I've tried to use the "texreg" package, but couldn't find a way to add to the table some statistics like: z-value, LR chi^2, and Pseduo-R^2.
Does anyone know an easy way of doing it?
this is the code that I currently run, for the probit regressions (this is very similar to that of the OLS):
l = list(extract_probit_model_Emp, extract_probit_model_lfp),
file = "results/probit_test",
stars = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1),
custom.header = list("probit" = 1:2),
custom.model.names = c("Employment", "LFP"),
omit.coef = "control",
center = TRUE,
caption = "Probit Test on Employment and LFP")
I wonder if there is any way of doing it with the texreg package, or is there another one that is easy to handle?
Thanks in advance!