Hi, I need to use EventPointer function from EventPointer package. I created aroma.affymetrix pre-processed variable, design matrix and contrast matrix but I can't deal with last function (EventPointer).
I have got still the same error:
5:15:10 PM Running EventPointer:
** Statistical Analysis: Logarithm of the fold change of both isoforms
** Delta PSI will be calculated
** Expression filter using 25 quantile
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
What should I do? Please help
descFile = read.csv("Data.csv",sep="")
group = descFile$HP[match(samplenames, descFile$file_name)]
group=factor(group, levels=c('cancer','not'))
group = relevel(group, "not")
Design_matrix = model.matrix(~ group )
Contrast_matrix = contrasts(group)
EventsFound <- paste(system.file('extdata', package='EventPionter'), '/EventsFound.txt', sep='')
Events = EventPointer(Design=Design_matrix, Contrast = Contrast_matrix, ExFit = ExFit, Eventstxt = EventsFound, Filter = TRUE , Qn = 0.25, Statistic = "LogFC", PSI = TRUE )
Version: 3.5.1 on Windows