Error in `.check_glmnet_penalty_fit()`:
! For the glmnet engine, `penalty` must be a single number (or a value of `tune()`).
• There are 0 values for `penalty`.
• To try multiple values for total regularization, use the tune package.
• To predict multiple penalties, use `multi_predict()`
Any ideas how to estimate Adalasso using tidymodels package??
I'm not extremely familiar with tidymodels, but I think here it's pretty simple: you do need to specify a penalty within linear_reg(), but then you can freely give a penalty.factor in set_engine(). Your examples above have one or the other, you need both (which makes sense as the original {glmnet} function takes penalty.factor in addition to its lambda parameter).
Here is a quick validation (I mixed tidymodel and base R code, so it's ugly, but it's just for showing the result):
n <- nrow(Chicago)
Chicago <- Chicago %>% select(ridership, Clark_Lake, Quincy_Wells)
# Using only standard glmnet approach
# Adapted from
initial_lasso <- glmnet(x = Chicago |> select(-ridership) |> as.matrix(), y = Chicago$ridership,
alpha = 1)
# select "best" lambda (here we keep closest to 0.1)
penalty.factor.ada <- initial_lasso$beta[,which.min(initial_lasso$lambda - 0.1)]
# run adaptive lasso with the weights from above
alasso1 <- glmnet(x = Chicago |> select(-ridership) |> as.matrix(), y = Chicago$ridership,
alpha = 1,
penalty.factor = 1 / abs(penalty.factor.ada))
# check results
coef(alasso1, s = 0.1)
#> 3 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#> s1
#> (Intercept) 1.6910267
#> Clark_Lake 0.8767005
#> Quincy_Wells .
# All tidymodel
mod_simple_lasso <-
linear_reg(mixture = 1, penalty = 0.1) %>%
tm_initial_lasso <- mod_simple_lasso |>
fit(ridership ~ ., data = Chicago)
# select "best" lambda (here we keep closest to 0.1)
extracted_coefs <- tm_initial_lasso$fit$beta[,which.min(tm_initial_lasso$fit$lambda - 0.1)]
tm_penalty.factor.ada <- 1 / abs(extracted_coefs)
model.spec <-
linear_reg(mixture = 1, penalty = .1) %>%
set_engine("glmnet", penalty.factor = tm_penalty.factor.ada)
linreg_reg_fit <- model.spec |>
fit(ridership ~ ., data = Chicago)
# same result
coef(linreg_reg_fit$fit, s = 0.1)
#> 3 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#> s1
#> (Intercept) 1.6910267
#> Clark_Lake 0.8767005
#> Quincy_Wells .