Error while rendering first Quarto document

I have installed Quarto, as per Getting started and then attempted to render the example given in Quarto - Tutorial: Hello, Quarto. The resulting dialogue (see below) suggests that the rendering sort-of works, and certainly pandoc is found, but the last error message indicates no lua filters:

Error running filter C:/PROGRA~1/Quarto/share/filters/rmarkdown/pagebreak.lua:
cannot open C:/PROGRA~1/Quarto/share/filters/rmarkdown/pagebreak.lua: No such file or directory

The above error message is reasonable, since there is no rmarkdown folder within C:/PROGRA~1/Quarto/share/filters, as seen below:

Do I need to install something additional to make the render work?

Thanks for any help.

Full dialogue given below:

output file:

Warning message:
Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 
  to: html
  output-file: penguins.html
  standalone: true
  section-divs: true
  html-math-method: mathjax
  wrap: none
  default-image-extension: png
    - crossref
  document-css: false
  link-citations: true
  date-format: long
  lang: en
  title: 'Penguins, meet Quarto!'
  editor: visual
Error running filter C:/PROGRA~1/Quarto/share/filters/rmarkdown/pagebreak.lua:
cannot open C:/PROGRA~1/Quarto/share/filters/rmarkdown/pagebreak.lua: No such file or directory

I have the same issue.
Thanks for any help.

Can you share the result of quarto --version that you installed ?
Also what is the version of the RStudio IDE you are using ?

Just so I can reproduce - there may be a bug introduced somewhere.


I can reproduce now, and found the issue. It is a regression. I'll report in the Github repo for a fix. sorry for the inconvenience.
You need to have a older version of Quarto for this to work currently: v0.9.314 I think

We'll have a new version later today

2022.02.2 Build 485
© 2009-2022 RStudio, PBC
"Prairie Trillium" Release (8acbd38b, 2022-04-19) for Windows

Windows quarto-0.9.324-win.msi

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Thanks that confirms the bug I found

This is now fixed in the last release 0.9.326 you can found on github release page. Sorry for the trouble !

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I just want to mention that I had the same issue with this reponse :

Error running filter /Applications/quarto/share/filters/rmarkdown/pagebreak.lua:
cannot open /Applications/quarto/share/filters/rmarkdown/pagebreak.lua: No such file or directory

On MacOs 12.3.1 with quarto-0.9.324
The issue is solved with quarto-0.9.326.

Thanks !

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