Error While Finalizing Parameters of SVM

To create a tuning grid for a set of workflows (recipe/model combinations), I execute a loop that extracts the parameter set dials and then finalizes any unknown parameter ranges. This works great on all workflows, EXCEPT for those involving the SVM model; calling finalize() always results in an error:

#> Error in `map()`:
#> ℹ In index: 2.
#> Caused by error in `object$finalize()`:
#> ! The matrix version of the initialization data is not numeric.
#> Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.

It's worth noting that all variables in the baked recipe are doubles, except for the outcome variable—which is a factor. Here's a reprex:

# Load required libraries

# Load data

# Create a recipe that ensures a
base_recipe <- recipe(Attrition ~ ., data = attrition) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%
  step_naomit(all_predictors()) %>%
  step_corr(all_numeric_predictors(), threshold = 0.9) %>%
  step_YeoJohnson(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%

# list the variables and data types
base_recipe %>% prep() %>% bake(new_data = NULL) %>% glimpse()
#> Rows: 1,470
#> Columns: 59
#> $ Age                              <dbl> 0.521960942, 1.275977863, 0.102055073…
#> $ DailyRate                        <dbl> 0.75903101, -1.33414327, 1.33990843, …
#> $ DistanceFromHome                 <dbl> -1.49357558, 0.24333238, -1.03086414,…
#> $ HourlyRate                       <dbl> 1.35416941, -0.21060357, 1.26266458, …
#> $ MonthlyIncome                    <dbl> 0.28586776, 0.05281527, -1.44713307, …
#> $ MonthlyRate                      <dbl> 0.74743488, 1.39681749, -1.88197043, …
#> $ NumCompaniesWorked               <dbl> 1.62077939, -0.57110745, 1.27090654, …
#> $ PercentSalaryHike                <dbl> -1.4884114, 1.6791185, 0.2010641, -1.…
#> $ StockOptionLevel                 <dbl> -0.9316973, 0.2419060, -0.9316973, -0…
#> $ TotalWorkingYears                <dbl> -0.24422094, 0.05247754, -0.41036000,…
#> $ TrainingTimesLastYear            <dbl> -2.5781989, 0.2173107, 0.2173107, 0.2…
#> $ YearsAtCompany                   <dbl> 0.13964671, 0.76240120, -2.22884098, …
#> $ YearsInCurrentRole               <dbl> 0.20549482, 0.88358757, -1.59589482, …
#> $ YearsSinceLastPromotion          <dbl> -1.09449009, 0.09682314, -1.09449009,…
#> $ YearsWithCurrManager             <dbl> 0.48998195, 0.90932557, -1.54963149, …
#> $ Attrition                        <fct> Yes, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No,…
#> $ BusinessTravel_Travel_Frequently <dbl> -0.4816947, 2.0745914, -0.4816947, 2.…
#> $ BusinessTravel_Travel_Rarely     <dbl> 0.6396229, -1.5623576, 0.6396229, -1.…
#> $ Department_Research_Development  <dbl> -1.3735834, 0.7275275, 0.7275275, 0.7…
#> $ Department_Sales                 <dbl> 1.5147284, -0.6597352, -0.6597352, -0…
#> $ Education_1                      <dbl> -0.89138490, -1.86779013, -0.89138490…
#> $ Education_2                      <dbl> -0.04251052, 2.24372610, -0.04251052,…
#> $ Education_3                      <dbl> 1.6079970, -0.5447859, 1.6079970, -1.…
#> $ Education_4                      <dbl> -1.00681362, 0.07983544, -1.00681362,…
#> $ EducationField_Life_Sciences     <dbl> 1.1936384, 1.1936384, -0.8372047, 1.1…
#> $ EducationField_Marketing         <dbl> -0.3481364, -0.3481364, -0.3481364, -…
#> $ EducationField_Medical           <dbl> -0.678910, -0.678910, -0.678910, -0.6…
#> $ EducationField_Other             <dbl> -0.2429766, -0.2429766, 4.1128232, -0…
#> $ EducationField_Technical_Degree  <dbl> -0.3139866, -0.3139866, -0.3139866, -…
#> $ EnvironmentSatisfaction_1        <dbl> -0.6603060, 0.2545383, 1.1693826, 1.1…
#> $ EnvironmentSatisfaction_2        <dbl> -0.9928824, -0.9928824, 1.0064835, 1.…
#> $ EnvironmentSatisfaction_3        <dbl> 1.4469968, -1.2421123, 0.5506271, 0.5…
#> $ Gender_Male                      <dbl> -1.2243282, 0.8162188, 0.8162188, -1.…
#> $ JobInvolvement_1                 <dbl> 0.379543, -1.025818, -1.025818, 0.379…
#> $ JobInvolvement_2                 <dbl> -0.4271984, -0.4271984, -0.4271984, -…
#> $ JobInvolvement_3                 <dbl> -0.7783145, 1.5160483, 1.5160483, -0.…
#> $ JobRole_Human_Resources          <dbl> -0.1914326, -0.1914326, -0.1914326, -…
#> $ JobRole_Laboratory_Technician    <dbl> -0.4623065, -0.4623065, 2.1615955, -0…
#> $ JobRole_Manager                  <dbl> -0.2729664, -0.2729664, -0.2729664, -…
#> $ JobRole_Manufacturing_Director   <dbl> -0.3306955, -0.3306955, -0.3306955, -…
#> $ JobRole_Research_Director        <dbl> -0.2398224, -0.2398224, -0.2398224, -…
#> $ JobRole_Research_Scientist       <dbl> -0.4977039, 2.0078601, -0.4977039, 2.…
#> $ JobRole_Sales_Executive          <dbl> 1.8726493, -0.5336396, -0.5336396, -0…
#> $ JobRole_Sales_Representative     <dbl> -0.2445418, -0.2445418, -0.2445418, -…
#> $ JobSatisfaction_1                <dbl> 1.1528613, -0.6606284, 0.2461164, 0.2…
#> $ JobSatisfaction_2                <dbl> 0.9821324, -1.0175000, -1.0175000, -1…
#> $ JobSatisfaction_3                <dbl> 0.5496309, 1.4543985, -1.2599042, -1.…
#> $ MaritalStatus_Married            <dbl> -0.9186088, 1.0878621, -0.9186088, 1.…
#> $ MaritalStatus_Single             <dbl> 1.4581537, -0.6853322, 1.4581537, -0.…
#> $ OverTime_Yes                     <dbl> 1.5912040, -0.6280274, 1.5912040, 1.5…
#> $ PerformanceRating_1              <dbl> -0.426085, 2.345353, -0.426085, -0.42…
#> $ PerformanceRating_2              <dbl> -0.426085, 2.345353, -0.426085, -0.42…
#> $ PerformanceRating_3              <dbl> -0.426085, 2.345353, -0.426085, -0.42…
#> $ RelationshipSatisfaction_1       <dbl> -1.5836393, 1.1910327, -0.6587487, 0.…
#> $ RelationshipSatisfaction_2       <dbl> 1.037082, 1.037082, -0.963588, -0.963…
#> $ RelationshipSatisfaction_3       <dbl> -0.3486405, 0.5365090, 1.4216585, -1.…
#> $ WorkLifeBalance_1                <dbl> -2.4929720, 0.3379811, 0.3379811, 0.3…
#> $ WorkLifeBalance_2                <dbl> 2.3033457, -0.4338557, -0.4338557, -0…
#> $ WorkLifeBalance_3                <dbl> 0.02755972, -0.75153240, -0.75153240,…

The random forest works fine (as do others):

# define a random forest
rf <- rand_forest(
  mtry = tune(),
  trees = tune()
) %>%
  set_engine("ranger") %>%

# Create a workflow
rf_workflow <- workflow() %>%
  add_recipe(base_recipe) %>%

# Extract and finalize the parameters
rf_params <- extract_parameter_set_dials(rf_workflow)
#> Collection of 2 parameters for tuning
#>  identifier  type    object
#>        mtry  mtry nparam[?]
#>       trees trees nparam[+]
#> Model parameters needing finalization:
#>    # Randomly Selected Predictors ('mtry')
#> See `?dials::finalize` or `?dials::update.parameters` for more information.

# finalize the parameters
rf_params_finalized <- finalize(rf_params, attrition)
#> Collection of 2 parameters for tuning
#>  identifier  type    object
#>        mtry  mtry nparam[+]
#>       trees trees nparam[+]

And now the SVM:

# Define the SVM model specification
svm <- svm_rbf(
  cost = tune(),
  rbf_sigma = tune()
) %>%
  set_engine("kernlab") %>%

# Create a workflow
svm_workflow <- workflow() %>%
  add_recipe(base_recipe) %>%

# Extract and finalize the parameters
svm_params <- extract_parameter_set_dials(svm_workflow)
#> Collection of 2 parameters for tuning
#>  identifier      type    object
#>        cost      cost nparam[+]
#>   rbf_sigma rbf_sigma nparam[+]

svm_params_finalized <- finalize(svm_params, attrition)
#> Error in `map()`:
#> ℹ In index: 2.
#> Caused by error in `object$finalize()`:
#> ! The matrix version of the initialization data is not numeric.

The SVM doesn't need to be finalized since it doesn't have unknown parameters, but I'm not sure of a way around this since it is being called in a loop. (It also seems that it shouldn't cause an error.)

Any insights or suggestions?

Thank you!