Hello everyone,
I am running some basic analysis in R with no issue at all. Please, see code below:
#Specifying survey design (Survey data comes with survey weights as well as bootstrap weights)
#That survey information is captured below)
CCHSDesign = svrepdesign(
data = MyDat,
weights = ~WGT_FULL,
repweights = "BSW[1-9]+",
combined.weights = T,
type = "BRR")
###Performing overall analysis
perc.O = as.data.frame(svymean(~IRO, CCHSDesign, na.rm = TRUE))
###Performing analysis by status
perc.status = as.data.frame(svyby(~IRO,~factor(status),
CCHSDesign, svymean,na.rm = TRUE))
However, when I try to run the same analysis within a function I get error messages. Please, see my function below:
###Creating a function to perform the same analysis
MyFunction = function(nutr,group){
###Performing overall analysis
perc.O = as.data.frame(svymean(~nutr, CCHSDesign, na.rm = TRUE))
###Performing analysis by status
perc.status = as.data.frame(svyby(~nutr,~factor(group),
CCHSDesign, svymean,na.rm = TRUE))
MyEstimates = MyFunction(IRO,status)
I have been struggling with this issue for a few months already. A suggestion to solve my problem was posted in the link below:
However, I tried many combinations of the proposed solution and still not working properly. I would appreciate if anyone can tell me how to make it run.
MyDat = tibble::tribble(
~status, ~IRO, ~WGT_FULL, ~BSW1, ~BSW2, ~BSW3,
"pregnant", 45L, 29316.4, 0, 58050.94, 0,
"pregnant", 17L, 401.9984918, 545.8072449, 561.8532389, 504.8898659,
"pregnant", 32L, 2203.624, 0, 4915.119, 5293.266,
"pregnant", 33L, 779.2059197, 2304.176342, 2633.064775, 0,
"pregnant", 17L, 8958.373, 0, 0, 10007.5,
"non-pregnant", 52L, 3307.726, 0, 5982.301, 4324.108,
"non-pregnant", 16L, 304.3146592, 567.9649596, 0, 329.7168172,
"non-pregnant", 67L, 425.8173, 0, 0, 1285.752,
"non-pregnant", 29L, 974.3875169, 0, 1191.837293, 0,
"non-pregnant", 19L, 2502.044, 2963.788, 2939.72, 2785.933,
"non-pregnant", 9L, 2210.339, 2674.871, 0, 2891.036,
"non-pregnant", 19L, 642.0245, 0, 765.6621, 649.7655,
"non-pregnant", 12L, 1322.31, 0, 1497.407, 1383.725,
"non-pregnant", 4L, 574.426, 1455.648, 1414.688, 0,
"non-pregnant", 73L, 126.7128, 0, 189.9741, 181.5099,
"non-pregnant", 14L, 676.4648, 0, 718.8922, 842.7405,
"non-pregnant", 18L, 4027.879, 4874.392, 0, 5268.307,
"non-pregnant", 97L, 2196.652, 0, 3226.484, 3420.65,
"non-pregnant", 7L, 1993.748, 0, 0, 3269.434,
"non-pregnant", 20L, 485.4677, 606.3933, 2182.711, 0
Thanks a lot,
Additional relevant information.
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
R version: 3.6.2
R studio version: 3.5