I'm trying to debug a section of my code from a larger RStudio script. When I insert just the section of code into its own script and try to load it, an error appears that references a function that doesn't exist in the script I'm trying to load. I've restarted RStudio, erased my RStudio workspace, rebooted my computer and still get the error. Here's the script.
# Define UI
ui <- (fluidPage
fileInput("sessionFileName", "Session File Name")
# Define server logic
server <- (function(input, output, session)
inputParameters <- reactive ({
if (is.null(input$sessionFileName)) return
inFile <- input$sessionFileName
if (!is.null(inFile)) {
inputData <- readRDS(file=inFile$name)
inputIDs <- names(inputData)
inputvalues <- unlist(inputData)
for (i in 1:length(inputData)) {
print (paste(inputIDs[i],inputvalues[[i]],sep=' '))
session$sendInputMessage(inputIDs[i], list(value=inputvalues[[i]]) )
# Start the shiny app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)