When I try to deploy my app, I get an error that reads:
An error has occurred. Check your logs or contact the app author for clarification.
In my logs, the error is:
Quitting from lines 14-26 (timeline.Rmd)
Warning: Error in library: there is no package called 'highcharter'
The lines in question (lines 14-26) are
library(flexdashboard) library(shiny) library(highcharter) library(dplyr) library(xts) library(tbl2xts) library(USAboundaries) stateList = state_codes[c(1:52,54,57,60,63),] # Get a list of the name of states alphaStates = select(stateList[order(stateList$state_name),], state_name, state_abbr) # Select states from stateList alphaStates$url = gsub(" ", "-", alphaStates$state_name)
Then I have a sidebar with 2 inputs, called "state" and "category".
When I checked my code, this error only occurred after I ran:
# Create reactive element that filters the state names based on input from "state" stits <- reactive({ dita <- data.frame() dita <- (filter(alphaStates, state_name == input$state)) dita$state_abbr <- tolower(dita$state_abbr) dita }) # Create reactive element called "category" that filters the plot shown category <- reactive({ outcome = switch(input$category, "Positive Cases Total" = "positive", "Deaths Total" = "death", "Recovered Total" = "recovered", "Hospitalized Total" = "hospitalizedCumulative", "Hospitalized Currently" = "hospitalizedCurrently", "Negative Test Results Total" = "negative", "Total Test Results" = "totalTestResults", "Increase in Positive Cases" = "positiveIncrease", "Increase in Deaths" = "deathIncrease", "Increase in Hospitalized" = "hospitalizedIncrease") outcome })
I've updated the highcharter package and checked the encoding, but that did not fix the issue. What is the issue?