This is my first attempt at building something Shiny. I am starting with a data file (.csv) that looks like this (but longer).
time(S), ax1, ay1, az1, gx1, gy1, gz1, ax2, ay2, az2, gx2, gy2, gz2, ax3, ay3, az3, gx3, gy3, gz3
00.000, 2424, -15208, -9844, -1439, 829, -1917, 1856, -14508, 6328, -943, 793, -6389, -14032, -3608, -8680, 517, 886, -2231
00.008, 2492, -14864, -9680, -1241, 733, -2148, 1924, -14396, 6408, -999, 820, -6450, -13844, -3712, -8628, 545, 720, -2346
00.018, 2304, -14436, -9132, -934, 595, -2114, 1952, -14660, 6396, -1089, 884, -6383, -13528, -3400, -8572, 287, 164, -2026
00.029, 1604, -13300, -8252, -9, 205, -1557, 2032, -14876, 6428, -1007, 818, -6338, -13176, -3316, -8244, -21, -860, -1225
00.039, 2268, -13668, -9388, 742, 222, -954, 2068, -14728, 6428, -981, 888, -6260, -13404, -3484, -8540, -99, -855, -1001
00.047, 2516, -13868, -9404, 811, 316, -697, 2088, -14672, 6328, -965, 871, -6254, -13488, -3532, -8652, -339, -828, -961
00.055, 2476, -13232, -9476, 690, 117, -322, 1952, -14632, 6208, -943, 816, -6261, -13080, -4016, -9012, -189, -738, -100
00.063, 2508, -13176, -9904, 521, 148, 203, 1960, -14556, 6300, -886, 826, -6211, -1596, 2744, -8816, -3195, 652, -6709
I am trying to --
a. Read in the .csv file (works)
b. Convert from wide to long and parse some variable names (works)
c. Populate a drop down menu (works)
d. Populate checkbox labels (works)
e. Plot data (works)
f. Change the plot and faceting variables from the drop down menu (works)
g. Deselect some of the traces in each panel (does not work)
The default is to have all checkboxes selected and all factors of the variable plotted by color. When I uncheck any of the checkboxes, I get the following error message.
"Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (19200): x and y"
The number (19200) is dependent on the number of rows in the data frame and how many checkboxes are checked.
And finally, here is my code:
Define UI for application that draws two scatter plots
ui <- fluidPage(
Application title
titlePanel(" "),
# Sidebar
fileInput("file_input","Select Data File to Import",accept=".TXT"),
selectInput("color", "Compare", choices = c("Axes", "Sensors")),
checkboxGroupInput("traces", "Plot Traces:", choices=c(), inline=TRUE),
min = 0,
max = 20,
value = c(0, 20)),
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
Define server logic required to draw both plots
server <- function(input, output, session) {
convert wide to long and make variable names sensitive.
data_file <- reactive({
file_spec <- input$file_input
st <- read.csv(file_spec$datapath)
stLong <- st %>% gather(sensor, reading, ax1:gz3)
stLong <- stLong %>% mutate(time.S. = sub(":", ".", time.S.)) %>%
mutate(sensor = sub("a", "acceleration_", sensor)) %>%
mutate(sensor = sub("g", "rotation_", sensor)) %>%
mutate(sensor = sub("(^.*)([123])$", "\\1_\\2", sensor)) %>%
separate(sensor, c("measure", "axis", "sensor"), sep = "_") %>%
mutate(sensor = case_when(sensor == 1 ~ "waist",
sensor == 2 ~ "heel",
sensor == 3 ~ "knee"))
stLong %<>% mutate(time.S. = as.numeric(time.S.)) # make time numeric
#update checkbox
req(data_file()) #make sure upload exists
stLong <- data_file()
if(input$color == "Axes"){
box.opts = levels(as.factor(stLong[["axis"]]))
} else {
box.opts = levels(as.factor(stLong[["sensor"]]))
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "traces",
choices = box.opts, selected = box.opts, inline = TRUE )
output$accelPlot <- renderPlot({
stLong <- data_file()
t <- stLong[["time.S."]]
r <- stLong[["reading"]]
traces <- input$traces
if(input$color == "Axes"){
ggplot(stLong %>% filter(axis %in% traces),
aes(t, r, color=axis)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(size = 1.25, alpha = 0.5) +
labs(x = "Time (sec)", y = "Acceleration/Rotation", color="", title = "") +
facet_grid(sensor ~ measure) +
xlim(input$time2[1],input$time2[2]) +
} else {
ggplot(stLong %>% filter(sensor %in% traces),
aes(t, r, color=sensor)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(size = 1.25, alpha = 0.5) +
labs(x = "Time (sec)", y = "Acceleration/Rotation", color="", title = "") +
facet_grid(axis ~ measure) +
xlim(input$time2[1],input$time2[2]) +
Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thanks much in advance.