God day ,
I am using package caret , but at moment of executing my code show the word "selection:" in the console . Can anyone help me what is wrong ( I'm new in this program )?
The code is :
**tiempoI <- Sys.time()**
**pf_model <- caret::train(pf_Xtrain, pf_Ytrain_Lbl, method="C5.0", **
** qtuneGrid = c50Grid, varbose = TRUE,**
** metric = "ROC", trControl = control)**
**tiempoF <- Sys.time()**
The result in the console is :
**> tiempoI <- Sys.time()**
**> pf_model <- caret::train(pf_Xtrain, pf_Ytrain_Lbl, method="C5.0", **
**+ qtuneGrid = c50Grid, varbose = TRUE,**
**+ metric = "ROC", trControl = control)**
**Selection: tiempoF <- Sys.time()**
Thanks a lot