Error uploading .html file to shiny app

Deploying my first shiny app - simple web scraper that lets users upload an html file and then parses it to get info on shares/mentions/likes on LinkedIn.

The app runs fine locally (tested before deployment) and Rstudio does not show an errors with deployment. However, when I run it using the shinyapps link it appears the upload fails to complete and I don't get any output.

What it looks like on shinyapps

enter image description here

I've redacted the file name since it contained identifying information.

The code is as below:

ui <- fluidPage(
  # theme = "",
  title = "LinkedIn Report",
           fileInput("infile", "Choose .html file", 
              accept = "text/html", multiple = F) )
           tableOutput("savedLocation") )
           tableOutput("parsedData") ),
           downloadButton("downloadData", "Download"))

server <- function(input, output){
  dd <- reactive(input$infile)
  output$savedLocation <- renderTable({
      return(data.frame(Elapsed = character(), 
                        Time = character(),
                        Name = character(), 
                        Action = character()))
  actual_data <- reactive({
      asdad <- data.frame(Elapsed = character(), 
                          Time = character(),
                          Name = character(), 
                          Action = character())
      asdad <- parsingFunction(input$infile)
  output$parsedData <- renderTable({ actual_data()})
  output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "yourdata.csv", 
    content = function(filename){ write.table(actual_data(), file = filename, 
                                              row.names = F, sep = ",")}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

parsingFunction in the above code is a lengthy function that uses regular expressions and CSS headings (using rvest) to get the desired info. It uses read_html and html_nodes from the rvest package. All other operations are carried out using base R functionality.

Could this have something to do with the fact that I have a free account? The file that is being uploaded is only 418kb in size.

I've asked this question on StackOverflow without any answers. Posting the link here since I'm a new user and can not upload more than one image and two weblink: r - Error deploying shiny app that uses fileInput to upload data - Stack Overflow