Error: Unhandled Exception: Timeout waiting for '_check_child_task_status' after 3600 seconds


I am encountering an issue when deploying a shiny app that was successfully deployed initially, but now fails to deploy again after adding more data. It seems that the problem could be related to the timeout limit, but despite trying several potential solutions, including adjusting libcurl timeout settings, the deployment continues to fail. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions? Thank you!

The only difference between the previous successful deployment and the failed one is the data size, the bundle size is increased from 2.9GB to 3.5GB.

Here is my code for deploying:

> library(rsconnect)

> rsconnect::setAccountInfo(name='',

> options(rsconnect.max.bundle.files = 1000000)

> options(rsconnect.max.bundle.size = 4000000000)

> options(rsconnect.http.verbose=TRUE)

> options(rsconnect.http.trace=TRUE)

> options(rsconnect.error.trace=TRUE)

> rsconnect::deployApp('the app')

Here is the error message:

End Task Log

Error: Unhandled Exception: Timeout waiting for '_check_child_task_status' after 3600 seconds
----- Deployment error -----
Error: Unhandled Exception: Timeout waiting for '_check_child_task_status' after 3600 seconds

----- Error stack trace -----
4: rsconnect::deployApp("the app")
3: client$waitForTask(taskId, quiet)
2: stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)
1: (function (e)
cat("----- Deployment error -----\n")

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I am facing the same issue. I am not sure this is linked to the bundle size, as it did not change for me between the last successful deployment (maybe 5-6 weeks ago) and today (I have had the problem for the past 2-3 weeks at least). Maybe this is related to new R versions? I updated R recently.