Error: unexpected '*' in "*" for both lists and italics in R markdown

I keep getting errors when trying to do simple things like make italics:
Error: unexpected '' in ""


Or when making lists like this:

## Unordered List 
* Item 1
* Item 2
    + Item 2a
    + Item 2b

Output when running chunk:
Error: unexpected '' in ""

Unordered List

  • Item 1

Even simple workarounds like adding a space don't work:

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance! I am very new to R and R studio and taking a coursera course in it currently!

You should not use formatted text inside of code blocks.

I didn't, it formatted it automatically in the post. If you look at the picture I included, you'll see it better

In your image, I see line 34 is
which starts a code block. Below that, I see the formatting for an Unordered list. That is what I mean by using formatted text inside of code blocks. Remove lines 34 and 41 which define the code block and your unordered list should work.

Awesome, that worked! Thanks for your help!