Error Starting R (can't open Rstudio)

Hello there,

If someone can help me with this I'd appreciate so much! I don't know what happened but I have been using Rstudio and it was working perfectly fine until 2 weeks ago, when it started giving me the problem copied below. I have uninstall R and Rstudio a million times now and it keeps telling me the same. I installed it in another computer and it worked perfectly great so it must be something with my computer but I don't know what and how to fix it.

R Session Startup Failure Report

RStudio Version

RStudio 2023.03.1+446 "Cherry Blossom " (6e31ffc3, 2023-05-09) for windows

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) RStudio/2023.03.1+446 Chrome/108.0.5359.179 Electron/22.0.3 Safari/537.36

Error message

[No error available]

Process Output

The R session exited with code 3221225477.

Error output:

[10116:13116:20230630,113847.497:ERROR] FindFirstFile: System can't find the specified route. (3)

Standard output:

[No output emitted]



2023-06-17T16:10:49.010304Z [rsession-rutho] ERROR system error 10053 (Se ha anulado una conexión establecida por el software en su equipo host.) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide-os-windows\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:156; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide-os-windows\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:161
2023-06-17T18:12:03.091840Z [rsession-rutho] ERROR system error 10053 (Se ha anulado una conexión establecida por el software en su equipo host.) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide-os-windows\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:156; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide-os-windows\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:161
2023-06-17T18:12:03.091840Z [rsession-rutho] ERROR system error 10053 (Se ha anulado una conexión establecida por el software en su equipo host.) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide-os-windows\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:156; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide-os-windows\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:161

Okay, it looks like i finally managed to fix the problem:
I deleted the folder C:\Users\rutho\AppData\Local\RStudio
I had some trouble finding this folder because apparently in windows 10 it is hidden, so you need to click on view -> show -> hidden elements, and then you'll be able to find it

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