I'm writing a Shiny App and it's been running totally fine , but now when I try to run it I'm getting an error that says:
"Error in if (inline) { : the condition has length > 1"
The underlying code renders totally fine in markdown, so I think it's something in the UI or server code that's generating the error.
In other topic posts, it looks like this error may be caused by parentheses being formatted incorrectly ; however, I've checked all brackets and parentheses pretty carefully and still can't find it. It's driving me nuts!
Can anyone see what's causing this?
## Load Necessary Packages ##
## Prep Data ##
schools <- read.csv("Philly_schools.csv")
philhs <- schools %>%
-HPADDR, -One_suspension, -Two_suspensions, -Three_suspensions, -Three_plus_suspensions) %>%
mutate(Suspensions_per_student = Total_suspensions / Enrollment,
Enrollment = (Enrollment / 100),
Average_salary = (Average_salary / 1000)) %>%
rename(Student_attendance = Attendance,
Students_new = New_student,
Students_withdraw = Withdrawals,
Black = African_American,
School_name = SCHOOL_NAME_1,
Special_ed = Special_education,
Gifted_ed = Gifted_education,
Esl_ed = English_second_language)
philhs <- philhs %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 2)
philhs$Other <- philhs$Other + philhs$Pacific_Islander
philhs$Full_address <- paste(philhs$ADDRESS, philhs$SCHOOL_ZIP)
philhs <- philhs %>%
select(-Pacific_Islander, -ADDRESS, -SCHOOL_ZIP, -SCHOOL_LEVEL_NAME, -Total_suspensions)
names(philhs) <- tolower(names(philhs))
philhs$school_name <- str_to_title(philhs$school_name)
philhs$full_address <- str_to_title(philhs$full_address)
philhs <- philhs %>%
select(school_code, school_name, full_address, enrollment, student_attendance, students_new,
students_withdraw, asian, black, latino, white, other, gifted_ed, special_ed, esl_ed,
low_income_family, assaults, drugs, morals, thefts, weapons, suspensions_per_student,
teacher_attendance, average_salary)
philhs$latitude <- NA
philhs$longitude <- NA
# Geocode Addresses
register_google(key = "AIzaSyCvczezGYImw6stEa21JufnD0rm8Cr28sg")
datageo <- geocode(as.character(philhs$full_address), source = "google")
philhs$latitude <- datageo$lat
philhs$longitude <- datageo$lon
# Remove Original Data
# Calculate the City Average for Variables of Interest
philhs[41, 1] <- NA
philhs[41, 2] <- "City Average"
philhs[41, 3] <- NA
philhs[41, 4] <- mean(philhs$enrollment[1:40])
philhs[41, 5] <- mean(philhs$student_attendance[1:40])
philhs[41, 6] <- mean(philhs$students_new[1:40])
philhs[41, 7] <- mean(philhs$students_withdraw[1:40])
philhs[41, 8] <- mean(philhs$asian[1:40])
philhs[41, 9] <- mean(philhs$black[1:40])
philhs[41, 10] <- mean(philhs$latino[1:40])
philhs[41, 11] <- mean(philhs$white[1:40])
philhs[41, 12] <- mean(philhs$other[1:40])
philhs[41, 13] <- mean(philhs$gifted_ed[1:40])
philhs[41, 14] <- mean(philhs$special_ed[1:40])
philhs[41, 15] <- mean(philhs$esl_ed[1:40])
philhs[41, 16] <- mean(philhs$low_income_family[1:40])
philhs[41, 17] <- mean(philhs$assaults[1:40])
philhs[41, 18] <- mean(philhs$drugs[1:40])
philhs[41, 19] <- mean(philhs$morals[1:40])
philhs[41, 20] <- mean(philhs$thefts[1:40])
philhs[41, 21] <- mean(philhs$weapons[1:40])
philhs[41, 22] <- mean(philhs$suspensions_per_student[1:40])
philhs[41, 23] <- mean(philhs$teacher_attendance[1:40])
philhs[41, 24] <- mean(philhs$average_salary[1:40])
philhs[41, 25] <- NA
philhs[41, 26] <- NA
# Select Variables for School Comparison
philhs_small <- philhs %>%
select("school_name", "enrollment", "student_attendance", "students_new", "students_withdraw",
"gifted_ed","special_ed", "special_ed", "esl_ed", "low_income_family", "assaults", "drugs",
"morals", "thefts", "weapons", "suspensions_per_student", "teacher_attendance", "average_salary")
# Format Data for School Comparison Facet Wrap
philhs_long <- philhs_small %>%
names_to = "Variable",
values_to = "Value")
# Remove Unformatted Comparison data
# Create Survey Design for Regression
design <- svydesign(id = ~0, data = philhs, na.rm = TRUE)
# Select Variables for Diversity Analysis
philhs_div <- philhs %>%
select("school_name", "asian", "black", "latino", "white", "other")
philhs_div <- philhs_div %>%
names_to = "Race",
values_to = "Value")
## UI ##
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("superhero"),
navbarPage("Philly High School Explorer", # navigation bar
tabPanel("Home", # home page
headerPanel("Welcome to the Philly High School Explorer!"),
h2("How to Use This App"),
h4("This app is designed to help you explore, analyze,
and compare Philadelphia high schools; each page provides you
with a useful tool."),
tags$li(strong("Philly High Schools Map:"), "Explore schools near you,
or search around the city! Click on school markers to see key
statistics, including enrollment, student and teacher attendance,
gifted program and special education participation, and more
concerning statistics such as annual suspensions per student and
assaults per 100 students; information to help you find the right
school for your family."), # bullet point
tags$li(strong("Predict School Attendance:"), "Explore what factors
predict student attendance! Select variables, including percent
of students from low-income families, annual suspensions per student,
assaults per 100 students, average number of student withdrawals
per year, average teacher salary, and gifted program and special
education participation, and see how much of an effect these variables
have on average student attendance."), # bullet point
tags$li(strong("Compare Schools:"), "Once you have a few schools in mind,
visit this page to directly compare schools with one another and
with city averages on a host of dimensions."), # bullet point
tags$li(strong("View School Diversity:"), "View student body diversity adding richness to the student
experience beyond academics. ") # bullet point
) # bullet list
), # sub heading text (h4)
), # tab panel (home page)
tabPanel("Philly High Schools Map", # map page
headerPanel("Philly High Schools Map"),
leafletOutput("map", width = "800px", height = "800px"),
), # tab panel (map page)
tabPanel("Predict School Attendance", # prediction page
headerPanel("Predict School Attendance"),
# Create Side Bar for Selecting Input Variables
position = "right",
h2("Customize Your Model"),
label = "Select any of the input (independent) variables below to
calculate your prediction model. You can change your selection at any time.",
c("Average Teacher Salary in 1000s" = "average_salary",
"Average Percent Teacher Attendance" = "teacher_attendance",
"Percent of Students Receiving Gifted Education" = "gifted_ed",
"Percent of Students Receiving Special Education" = "special_ed",
"Percent of Students Receiving ESL Education" = "esl_ed",
"Percent of Students from a Low-Income Family" = "low_income_family",
"Assaults Per 100 Students" = "assaults",
"Average Annual Suspensions Per Student" = "suspensions_per_student",
"Average Annual Student Withdrawals"= "students_withdraw"), # c
selected = "average_salary"
) # checkbox Group Input
), # side bar panel
# Create Tab Panel for Regression Table
type = "tabs",
# Panel Shows Regression Table
"Regression Table",
h3("Table of Regression Coefficients"),
helpText("The table displays the coefficients of your model. Larger coefficient numbers
indicate that the variable has a greater effect on the outcome (dependent)
student attendance variable. A positive coefficient indicates that an increase
in the variable increases student attendance (e.g., a higher average teacher
salary indicates likelihood of higher student attendance), while a negative
coefficient indicates that an increase in the variable decreases student
attendance (e.g., a higher number of assaults per 100 students indicates
likelihood of lower student attendance). Whether the effect of a given variable
is statistically significant is indicated by “*”, “**”, or “***” next to the
coefficient, and a P-Value less than 0.05. A greater number of stars and a
P-Value closer to 0 indicate a higher level of statistical significance.")
) # tab panel
), # tab set panel
) # main panel
) # side bar layout
), # tab panel (prediction page)
tabPanel("Compare Schools",
headerPanel("Compare Schools"),
# Create Side Bar for Selecting Input Variables
position = "left",
selectizeInput("sch1", "School of Interest:",
choices = sort(unique(philhs_long$school_name)),
selected = "Abraham Lincoln High" ),
selectizeInput("sch2", "Benchmark School:",
choices = sort(unique(philhs_long$school_name)),
selected = "City Average")
), #side bar panel
# Create panel for displaying rendered ggplot
helpText(strong("Assaults:"),"Assaults per 100 students", br(),
strong("Student Attendance:"),"Average percent student attendance", br(),
strong("Average Salary:"),"Average teacher salary in 1000s", br(),
strong("Drugs:"),"Drug infractions per 100 students", br(),
strong("ESL Education:"),"Average percent student attendance", br(),
strong("Enrollment:"),"Average enrollment in 100s", br(),
strong("Gifted Education:"),"Percent of students receiving gifted education", br(),
strong("Low Income Families:"),"Percent of students from a low income family", br(),
strong("Students New:"),"Average number of new students per year", br(),
strong("Special Education:"),"Percent of students receiving special education", br(),
strong("Suspensions Per Student:"),"Average annual suspensions per student", br(),
strong("Teacher Attendance:"),"Average percent teacher attendance", br(),
strong("Thefts:"),"Thefts per 100 students", br(),
strong("Weapons:"),"Weapons infractions per 100 students", br(),
strong("Withdrawals:"),"Average number of students who withdraw from the school per year", br(),
) # help text
) # main panel
) # side bar layout
), # tab panel (comparison page)
) # navbar
) # fluid page
) # shiny ui
## Server ##
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
## Add a Home Page Photo ##
output$hs <- renderImage({
# generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R
list(src = "www/hs.jpg",
width = "75%",
height = "100%",
style ="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto")
}, deleteFile = F)
## Create Map of Philly High Schools ##
map <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude, data = philhs,
popup = paste("<strong>School:</strong>", philhs$school_name,"<br>",
"<strong>Address:</strong>", philhs$full_address,"<br>",
"<strong>Average Enrollment in 100s:</strong>", philhs$enrollment,"<br>",
"<strong>Average Student Attendance:</strong>", philhs$student_attendance,"%","<br>",
"<strong>Average Teacher Attendance:</strong>", philhs$teacher_attendance,"%","<br>",
"<strong>Students Receiving Gifted Education:</strong>", philhs$gifted_ed,"%","<br>",
"<strong>Students Receiving Special Education:</strong>", philhs$special_ed,"%","<br>",
"<strong>Students Receiving ESL Services:</strong>", philhs$esl_ed,"%","<br>",
"<strong>Average Annual Suspensions Per Student:</strong>", philhs$suspensions_per_student,"<br>",
"<strong>Assaults Per 100 Students:</strong>", philhs$assaults,"<br>"))
# Create Map Output
output$map <- renderLeaflet(map)
## Create Regression Model to Predict Student Attendance ##
# Create Reactive Regression Formula Using Inputs from Check List as Variables to Predict Student Attendance
RegFormula <- reactive({
as.formula(paste("student_attendance", " ~ ", paste(input$iv1, collapse = "+")))
# Output Reactive Regression
model <- reactive({
svyglm(regFormula(), design)
# Create Regression Table Output
output$regTab <- renderText({
stargazer(model(), type = "html", dep.var.labels = "Student Attendance Prediction", omit.stat = c("ll", "aic"))
## Create Plots to Compare Schools Based on Variables of Interest ##
# Create Reactive Comparison Using Inputs from Dropdowns
twoschl <- reactive({
x <- philhs_long %>%
filter(school_name == input$sch1 | school_name == input$sch2)
x$school_name <- factor(x$school_name, levels = c(input$sch1, input$sch2))
# Create Comparison Plots Output
output$plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data = twoschl, aes(x = school_name, y = Value, fill = school_name)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
facet_wrap( ~ Variable) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#ffc404", "#303c54")) +
ylim(0,100) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) +
xlab("Schools") +
guides(fill = guide_legend("Schools"))
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)