Error regarding manual from devtools::check()


My Github actions for the package GitHub - vuw-clustering/clustord are failing because there's an error on the package manual creation. But I can't find out what the error is, because I can't get hold of the log files for the manual creation.
When I run devtools::build_manual() on my (Windows) machine I get warnings but no errors, and the warnings tell me to refer to the "transcript" for more information, but I don't know where to find that.
This is the warning from my local attempt to run devtools::build_manual():

LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.

(see the transcript file for additional information)
pdfTeX warning (dest): name{Rfn.optim} has been referenced but does not exist, 
replaced by a fixed one

The error in the Github Actions workflow checks:

* checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
Warning: LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
LaTeX errors found:
* checking PDF version of manual without index ... OK
Status: 1 WARNING
for details.

However, that log merely repeats the exact same text and does not give me any more details of the error.

Where can I find the transcript for the manual creation so I can check what the manual creation error is locally?

I'm not getting this error in any of the other OS checks. But I need to also get this working on Windows, because I want to submit the package to CRAN.


You can see the logs online: Tweaked github actions · vuw-clustering/clustord@d5edf4d · GitHub

But seems like you have already fixed this:

A safe bet is to follow the examples at

Thanks, I know I can see those logs online, but where can I find the details of the PDF build i.e. the inner logs from the PDF compilation of the manual?


Your check runs with --no-manual, so the PDF manual is never created:

See the docs if you want to change this:

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