Error redeploying python shiny app

I've tried to redeploy my python shiny app with rsconnect after accidentally deleting it. Every time I try, I get the following error message:

ERROR]: reported an error (calling /v1/applications/12308074): Not Found
Error: reported an error (calling /v1/applications/12308074): Not Found

I've tried to just deploy it without specifying title for the app, but get the same error.

Please help me get my app back online!

Note that I've also tried re-connecting rsconnect (rsconnect --add...).

I wonder if your system has locally stored details of the last deployment. So while you have deleted the remote version, your system is unaware and trying to redeploy to the same app ID that no longer exists.

Try using the --new argument from the Forcing a New Deployment section of the docs.

Thanks @keithn for your answer. I had the exact same problem and using the --new argument with rsconnect worked!

To add a little context, until now, I've been re-deploying apps by going on the server, archiving my existing app, then deleting it. That sounds like something that would create a situation where my local system has some cached data about previous deployments that it can't reconcile with
