So, I'm trying to replicate the process found here: Forecasting for prophet in R
I'm running into this: Error in .(as.factor(lubridate::wday(ds))) : could not find function "."
After running the following line of code
uwdays <- traindf[,.(.N, w=min(ds)),.(as.factor(lubridate::wday(ds)))]$w
When I remove the "." before (as.factor(...w I get Error in lubridate::wday(ds) : object 'ds' not found. Yet, I know ds exists in traindf!
Any ideas?
The line of code above is for use in the following plot
#Day of Week
uwdays <- traindf[,.(.N, w=min(ds)),.(as.factor(lubridate::wday(ds)))]$w
days <- lubridate::wday(uwdays,label = TRUE)
data = traindf[ds %in% uwdays]) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:length(days),labels=days) +
labs(title="Day of Week",x="Day",y="Daily Census") +
ylim(0,1.25*max(traindf$pred2)) +
geom_point() +
umonths <- traindf[,.(.N, w=min(ds)),.(as.factor(lubridate::month(ds)))]$w
months <- lubridate::month(umonths,label=TRUE)
data = traindf[ds %in% umonths]) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:length(months),labels=months) +
labs(title="Month",x="Month",y="Daily Census") +
ylim(0,1.25*max(traindf$pred3)) +
geom_point() +