Error "non-numeric argument to binary operator" after changing the values within the Sample.csv file

I used the R package (CRAN - Package ArArRedux) and the example file "Sample.csv" provided to calculate ages of minerals.

But, whenever I changed the values within the "Sample.csv" and saved the file, the error appeared:
Does anyone know how to solve the problem?

I will really appreciate the help.

Please show the result of running


before and after you change the values in Sample.csv. I suspect one of your columns is changing from a numeric data type to characters.
That is, define masses, blanklabel, and Jpos, then run

X <- read("Samples.csv" masses, blanklabel, Jpos)
# Now edit Samples.csv

X <- read("Samples.csv" masses, blanklabel, Jpos)

Post the output of both summary() calls. Put three back ticks before and after the output, like this
output of summary(X)

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