Hi Everyone
I have this problem with my Rstudio only, but whem i use jupyter notebook with R kernel the codes works properly:
Suppres Package Warning
quietly <- suppressPackageStartupMessages
Disable scientific notation
options(scipen = 9999)
Change chart dimension
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=7)
Load package suppress warning
Read the kraken_clean.csv file a kraken_df
kraken_df = read_csv("data/kraken_clean.csv")
Inspect the first few rows of the DataFrame
Subset a DataFrame of XBT crypto
xbt_df = kraken_df[kraken_df$crypto == "XBT",]
xbt_xts = xts(select(xbt_df,-c("crypto","datetime","date","time")),
order.by = as.POSIXct(strptime(xbt_df$date,"%Y-%m-%d")))
"Error in xts(select(xbt_df, -c("crypto", "datetime", "date", "time")), : 'order.by' cannot contain 'NA', 'NaN', or 'Inf'"
The data doesn't have NA's values.
I don't know if my problem come from the packages and libraries or I just need more one step.
The objective is to transform the raw data of the csv to a data frame and then a time series data to be use in statistical analysis.
Ty for your time