I have installed the package "cluster" and then entered the following:
#convert the Gower dissimilarity object into a distance matrix
Dist <- as.matrix(Dist)
#Gower similarity measure between the 10th and the 60th observation (row)?
d.data <- daisy(data, metric = "euclidean", data_frame (10,60))
I received the following errors:
Warning message:
In dist(Data) : NAs introduced by coercion
> d.data <- daisy(data, metric = "euclidean", data_frame (10,60))
Error in daisy(data, metric = "euclidean", data_frame(10, 60)) : could not find function "daisy"
I don't understand why the function can't be found since I have installed the package "cluster". Is it because of where the default package directory has been installed?