Hello, I'm trying to make a merge of two data frames:
· Activities 1104807obs of 9 variables
· MetaCiencias 547 obs. of 8 variables
Rstudio remains executing the following order without ever ending:
DFActCurso <- merge.data.frame (activities, metaCiencias, by.x = 'title_Activity', by.y = 'Ciencias.activity', all = TRUE)%>% unique ()
I have tried to delete the duplicate rows and I have verified that my session of R is 64-bit. And I changed the memory of RStudio (memory.limit (size = 16384)
I have a 16GB computer and I run it on Windows.
But the execution of that order never ends, it ends up as an error message:
Error: memory exhausted (limit reached?)
and then the error is repeated:
Error: during wrapup
Would anyone know how to solve it?
Thank you