Error Loading R

Hi, '
I am new to R. Need it for training.

Getting error message when I try to open R studio.

Did you install R (separately from RStudio)? RStudio does not include R.

Yes I did. Downloaded R and RStudio separately.

And if you close this window "Error Loading R", in the window below "Choose R installation", do you have some versions of R listed? Can you manually select the path to the installed R?

Also, make sure you can open Rgui directly (without RStudio).

When I close the error window, there are no multiple options to choose, automatically I am given option to choose 64 bit option of RStudio and that doesn't open.
If I open Rgui separately I get a prompt of fatal error.

Which version of R did you install? Try reinstalling the latest.

If that doesn't solve it, is there any information in the fatal error prompt? Can you start R from the command line (open cmd.exe and type R)?

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